ft Private Sro Private Sro

Silkroad Private Servers

Pvp Servers

You can find here best pvp server that have start items and free silk.

Pve Server

You can find your best pve server that have free silk and start items that help you to be best player .

Job Servers

You can find here the best servers that based in job like thief,hunters and trader (Real enjoy).


You can find here the guides and builds to make your character the best in the server and another Guides.

Bots and Tools

You can find here best bot and tools that will help you in game.

Anatolia Online 110Cap ~ [AutoRefresh~Free 30k Silk] 7x24 Online

.:: Anatolia Online -Best Private Server ::.

~~~~Register ~~~~
.:: Anatolia Online -Register ::.
.:: Anatolia Online -Full Client ::.
.:: Anatolia Online -Media.pk2 ::.
.:: Anatolia Online -Media.pk2 [Multiupload]::.
Anatolia Online-Media.pk2[JumboFiles]
Anatolia Online Media.pk2 [MediaFire,Part1]
Anatolia Online Media.pk2 [MediaFire,Part2]

If you got crashes.Please download full client.

~~~~Offical Facebook~~~~
Anatolia Online Facebook

Exp Rate200x
Party Exp Rate250x
Drop Rate100x
Gold Drop Rate100x
Sox Drop Rate15x
AlchemySpecial x3

Level Cap110
Skills Cap110
Mastery Cap 330
Weapon Gear 11 Degree
Gear Cap 11 Degree
Guild&Union EmblemsWorking
Maps - Region All areas enabled
RaceEurope - Chinese
Fortress War On
Capture The Flag On
Battle ArenaOff (can be changed)
Magic PopOff
Server Capacity2000 slots
HostDedicated 24/7 Uptime
GMsFriendly, always answer your questions
VersionVsro (old files) 1.205
CommunityFriendly, easy to get plvl etc
Starter Silk 30k
Starter Skill Point 500k
Screen Shots 
Start Items  
Stones~Elixirs On Npc 
Stackable Items 

Unique spawn times changed.[4hour to 30min]
Fortress War 

Fortress War - Jangan, Bandit, Hotan fortress:
Every Saturday,Monday: 20:00 - 21:30 (1.5 hour ) GMT+2

It's a long term server,7years guarenteed.      

RcxSro / 100 Cap / 10M Free Silk / BR FILES / Unique Ranking / New Uniques

Hey its our last thread get in the best private server with named of RCX

Server Name: Rcx
Server Files: BlackRogue
Version: 1.00
Level Cap: 100
Mastery Cap: 300
Homepage: RCX Online
Status: ONLINE

Download Links



700x ALL rates
Registration: RCX Online

also you can download client etc. on website.

Start Items

10 Zerk Scrool
10 Drug Scrool
3 Exp Scrool
1m SP
3Page Inventory

Capture the flag
Fortress War (Saturday and Wednesday 20.00 GMT+1)

Custom Uniques(White Knight(Enterance of Taklamakan), Tai Sui , Princess Miyene(Forest Of Dark(Constantin)) Rage Cloud(Ong) And Dw Jg Uniques )

Short Unique Times (30 Min)

Silks not been deleted anytime

Characters-silks-accounts NOT WIPED anytime

DynamicSroVer2(100Cap)--PVP Area-Skill R-Free Silk-Custom Uniqes-FellowsPets

WELCOME TO DynamicSro!
DynamicSro Full D10 With New System's !!

Server Is [Online]
Server [24/7]

You are in a place with no way out (...)
Talking seriously…
You have a chance to take yourself off everyday boring life, or even your problems and take a tour to the world where you can win everything… or become defeated and lose everything in one moment. You want your emotions to reach sky high and have unforgettable moments in your life, we give you such chance – do not waste it

From the day you gained your life, you are the chosen one -
There is one master, with one future.
Show up on the rank, beat it, and be the master of legend, so what are you waiting for?
JOIN DynamicSro TODAY!
- gamers league!

We are offering "packet" by which game will be more interesting and full of emotions

Basic Information About Us :

We want to present you DynamicSro which we worked many weeks on. All the effort we put in this work, let us make you sure that you will not regret any second spent in our virtual world!

Website & Forums :

* Server Homepage : DynamicSro Official Website]
* Server Community Forums : DynamicSro Community Forums

Download Center Management :
* Server Homepage : DynamicSro Official Website]

Donation Gainments :

* Donation System : Still Makinga Secuirty Paypal...
* Donation Email : geo_inc@ymail.com

Rewards and Votes :Currently Silk is Everyday but u must Vote to Gtop in top of website to not Stop the 1 silk Per 1 Hour.

Support & Help Management :

* Contact Us:http://Fourm Offical D Sro/

General Settings :

* Client Version: 1.89
* Experience: 70x
* Party Exp Rate: 80x
* Drop Rate: 25x
* Gold Drop Rate: 15x
* Alchemy Rate: 2.5x 
Features :

* All maps #On
* Forgotten World #On
* ROCM #On
* Fortress War #ON
* New NPC For SoSun Som +7 FB
* NPC DynamicSRO Shop
- Epic weapons
- Weapons By Coins
- 5 Page Pet
- 150 Elixir Stackable
- 100 Stone Stackable
- Stone Drop from each mob with 100% drop rate .
-Bot Allowed
And lots of more features!

Server System: << Important

* New Spawn Uniques Princess In Jangan (Drop) Immortal And Astrial D10 .. Spawn Every 41 min
* New Spawn Uniques White Knight In Taklamakan (Drop) Immortal And Astrial D10 .. Spawn Every 41 min
* All Regular Uniques (DROP) Coins
* PVP Event Every Week
* PVP Event Titles!

Dynamic Forum Event will be add Right There:Dynamic Offical Fourm

D10 System:
* Cap 100
* Mestry Level: 330 << So China can take a Chance Not FULL EU SERVER  >>
*Edit : Added SilkRoad - R Skills

Server & Forum Rules(Simple) :

Free Silk System

*1 SilkPer 1 Hour

* Game Rules: HERE :w00t:

Game Team:

[GM]CError Aka Div << DB Editor & Media Side
[GM] Geo DB Editor & PHP Side
[GM] Infinity Header
.............................................GM For Event's Disabled ATM

ScreenShots of our Work game & service ... item mall .. Speical things etc..etc

Devil S 25% Int3 STR 3 And Block Rate 2

20% Devil Spirit

All Kind Of Devil Spirit
Prem Dynamic Sro
Status Of Prem Dynamic
Our NPC For Weapons DSro Coins
Special NPC Of D-Sro 

Weekly Update for More Avatar in NPC

All Avatar's Ksro & isro 

5 Page's Grap Pet

Battle ARena

Spawn White Kinght in TaklaMakan (DROP) Immortal Astral Coins

Custom Maps For New Uniques White Knight ,, FGW Uniques << FW Uniques
Alexandria NORTH And South PVP Area And Uniques (( NO SAFE ZONE ))

Skill R 

Fellow Pets Working 100 % aTtack And Rid

Quest demon Saytan Wait More quest Every 2 week's

1 Silk Per Hour 

__________Start items___________

-Black Wing Avatar
-Devil 7 days
-Grap Pet 3 days
-Zerk Scroll
-Potion Silk MP & HP
-Reverse Scroll Etc etc 

Glows +8 

Glows +10

Glows +11 

Glows +12

Dynamic Offical Page (Haters Be Away)
Hating results in nothing, so please keep it out of the thread. We are open for constructive criticism & suggestions, since it will only result in a better gameplay for you!
also we can talk here:

Skype : paltalk_adel

Basic Information About Machine

8 core processor i7 930
1GB Connection
Germany DataCenter

First 100 User Post His User Char Name In Post here And Fourm For 200 Silk Free MORE
Also Website will Be changed soon till Host for it be Activeted

DemonSRO | 125cap | New Uniques | EU/CH | Reborn system | High-rate! | Free Silk, Avatar

Website: DemonSRO
Registration: Register now
Facebook page: Follow us on Facebook!
Client download: Click here to download

Server Rates:
  • Experience/SP Rate : 100x
  • Party Experience Rate : 100x
  • Drop Rate : 50x
  • Job Rate: 10x
  • Gold Rate : 50x
  • Sox rate: 50x
  • Alchemy rate: 2,5x
  • Level cap: 125
  • Skill cap: 120
  • Gear cap: 13dg
  • Weapon cap: 13dg
  • Race: CH/EU
  • Autopot: Auto
  • Jupiter Temple: Work
  • Free Silk: Yes

- Auto-Silk - Reborn system
- Dedicated 24/7!

Fortress war:
- Every saturday 8pm from next week.

General Events:
Every week.
- Unique Event
- Hide'n'Seek
- Player Protecion
- Trader
- PVP Tournament

Start Items:
- 60% Resurrection Scroll
- 1000 HP/MP pack
- 20 Return Scroll
- 10 Berserk regen Potion
- 1 Unicorn (8875 HP, Mov. speed 12, min. lv. 5)
- 10 Mov. speed scroll
- 1m Gold
- 20.000 SP
- Arabian avatar
- 3 day rabbit pet
- 1 pack reverse return scroll

Item stack limits:
Elixirs: 1000
Potions: 500
Arrow/Bolt: 500
Stone/Tablet: 500
Pet potion: 500

New areas:
- Jupiter Field
- Hall Of Worship
- Zealots Hideout
- PvP Arena

New Uniques:
- Kidemonas
- Emeth (Lv 125)
- Jupiter
- Yuno
- The Earth
- Zielkiaxe
- Babilion
- Baal

Every KSRO avatar, many custom settings, fellow pets!

Website features:
  • Automatized unique ranking system
  • You can buy SP for silk
  • Built-in email support
  • Guild/job reset
  • Auto silk based on online time
  • Reborn system: you can reset your character with higher int and str so you can be even stronger!
  • New payment method: you can buy silk by credit card, paypal and SMS as well from anywhere
  • Search player/armory soon!
Next update in a week!

Previous updates:

15. 06. 2012.
  • Kidemonas unique added
  • Phoenix Avatar
  • Avatar prices decreased
  • BlackWing tradeable
  • Job rate changed to 10x

04. 05. 2012.
  • All Resurrect skills are able to res up to lv 130 (both European Cleric and Chinese Force)
  • New avatar, Fur Dress added.
  • Launchers appearance and login image changed to custom one.
  • HP 4100 Increase, and MP 4100 Increase potions has been added to item mall.
  • Two new point in our rule:
    1. It's not allowed to PK (player kill) anyone who is killing a Unique. This rule applies to mirror uniques and uniques on events as well.
If someone violates this rule, you HAVE TO PROOVE it with a screenshot.
Punishment: first time: warning. Second time: 1 day ban. Third time: 2 day ban. 4th time: ban forever
    2. It's not allowed to bot all day in PVP arena!!

30. 04. 2012.
  • Maximum Level Increased to 125
  • Mastery Level Still 120
  • Phoenix's speed Increased
  • Phoenix's damage Increased
  • Glow changed on weapons 70 or above.
  • Jangan's Thief Town teleport fixed.
  • Pet potions are stackable up to 500
  • New Unique monster "Emeth" (lv 125) added, it will appear to the PVP Arena, in every hour
  • New Unique spawn spots added to the 111+ Uniques
  • Low level unique respawn times decrased

08. 04. 2012.
  • 11 Avatars added (such as Mummy,Dark Warrior, Guardian Angel Wing etc.)
  • Angel Powers avatar is now able to trade
  • New Glows added for the weapons (30~50 Yellow, 50~70 Red, 70~ Green)
  • We are preparing our Job related updates (Job Ranking system, Guild and Job Penalty reset)

  • New PVP arena (teleport from Hotan)
  • Angel Powers avatar
  • 2 grab pet: Gorilla and King Kong
  • 1 attack pet: Genie
  • FW duration decreased to 1 hour
  • 2 new grab pet: Snowman and Ghost
  • Angel Spirit added
  • Demon Shaitan Avatar added
  • Low level unique respawn times has been reduced from 3~6 hours to 1~2 hours (Under lvl 100)
  • New Spawn Spots has been added to Zielkiaxe, Yuno, Jupiter, and The Earth.
  • You can get 12D Nova, Moon, or Sun items, for killing these uniques.
  • All in autospawn (appears every 3~6 hours).
  • Apis added to notice. ([Apis] has appeared.)
  • You can get 12D items and stones by killing 111~120 monsters at Jupiter field.
  • 12D Lucky powder added to alexandria.
  • Grey wolf added to all stables.
  • All items from item mall are able to sell, or exchange. (Magic POP too)

Come and play with us! Everyone is welcome!

Every Day: 03:00:00, 09:00:00, 15:00:00, 20:00:00.

Selkis, Neith
11am and 16pm.

Anubis, Isis
13pm and 19pm.

Haroeris, Seth
15pm and 20pm.

Spawning in mirror 3-6 hours, go and find it! It can be in 5 places!

Event unique spawn:
Every day 14:10

Different kind of events held by GM's and EM's weekly:
- Unique events
- Hide 'n Seek
- PVP and PT events
- Find unique events
- Video event and screenshot event monthly!

You can expect Facebook events from time to time for silks!


Hotan Teleports:

Medusa Level:

PvP Arena:



Baby Gorilla:

King Kong: