ft [Release]KDBotLite 12D sos,som,sun item filter ~ Private Sro

Silkroad Private Servers

[Release]KDBotLite 12D sos,som,sun item filter

This release including:

→ Clothes armor
→ Light armor
→ Heavy armor
→ Shield
→ Jewelry
→ All weapons

→ Garment armor
→ Light armor
→ Heavy armor
→ Shield
→ Jewelry
→ All weapons


If you still haven't downloaded KdBotLite visit here:
[Release]Fully Working KDBot For Vsro-Based Servers!

1. Download attached file, extract it somewhere on your computer.

2. Open 12D_Sox_items.txt file with any text editor copy all lines.

3. Now go to your bot directory KDBotLite\Data there you will find item.txt open and go to the end of file, hit ctrl+v or click right mouse - paste.

4. Save file.

5. Open KDBotLite.exe, click Item filter go to advanced now type in search box seal of star like in image and press button, or you can type seal of moon, seal of sun. To get all items at once type in search box "12d" without quotes.

5. Select items which you want, click save & close.

6. If you done everything right you got 12d sox filter working.

NOTE: Double names on filter means one item for male other for female.


Good luck with drops!

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