Here is the newest version of the bot enjoy!
+Netframework 4.0(needed):
+Loader: edxSilkroadLoader5 0 3d.rar - Speedy Share - upload your files here
+xbotpk2 tool(needed watch the guide in installation): xBot_pk2.rar
About bot:
- Fixed parsing socket stones (was causing problems with 12/13d items)
- Fixed stuck problems
- Console window won't be visible anymore
- Fixed getting stuck on pickup
- Fixed not using first 13 slots in storage
- Fixed bot crashing
- Improved attack speed
Change log
- Fixed parsing socket stones (was causing problems with 12/13d items)
- Fixed stuck problems
- Console window won't be visible anymore
-Create a folder called like you want into the game folder example vsro/xbot(folder)
-Extract xbot.rar(the version you have) into your bot folder
-Extract xbotpk2 tool into your bot folder
-You need to extract asteradd to your windows directory. It's needed to decrypt vSRO extracted
media.pk2 files.(you can find asteradd in example: botfolder/xbot_pk2
-Use the Extractor.exe from pk2tools folder to extract all the needed files from the following
directory : "media.pk2/server_dep/silkroad/textdata"(You have to do this with the extractor.exe).
You will need :
-all "characterdata_xxx" files
-all "itemdata_xxx" files
-all "skilldata_xxx files" (also those with "enc" in the end, they are extremaly important for vSRO!)
-"textdata_equip&skill.txt" and "textdata_object.txt" files.
-Press extract selected, all those files will be in media folder
-Copy all those extracted files to "xBot_pk2\xBot_pk2\bin\debug" folder.
-Copy the clean "data.db" (its is in the bot folder in a subfolder called xbot_pk2 copy that to debug folder) file to the same folder(copy it to debug folder)
-Now a very important step - right click on each skilldata file that ends with enc and
select "Encrypt/Decrypt Text". This is possible after installing that asteradd stuff.
-Launch "xBot_pk2.exe". An empty data.db will be filled with your server information.
-Copy the data.db (filled with new information) to your xBot folder.
-Here is a xbotpk2 tools video tutorial:
Bot launching:
- Ejecute xbot.exe(if you have windows 7 ejecute like an administrator)
- Aceppt al term is say something push yes
- Will appear a cmd windows charging database and other thing, later bot windows loaded, there you have to put you userbotname and password if(if you havent aside of login is a flange called registration there you have to register), the register request secure password like kd234kg
-Its going to tell you when login in and that the 17000 port is ready and free
-When you launch for firt time it autocreate the xbot setting, you can find it in the xbot folder called "settings.xml", you can modify its making right click on it and later edit, you need to edit it to put the ipadress of the server where you want to play, the ipadress appear like this <ipAddress></ipAddress>, you have to modify like this <ipAddress>HERE YOU PUT YOU SERVER IP</ipAddress>
-Make save and close settings.xml
-Later you open loader>Add>server folder>push sro_cliente select>in down side of loader are some boxes you have to select the box says REDIRECT GATEAWAY SERVER and edit the port to 17000(bot port)
-Press launch in loader wait untill load game>login in game>When already in game go and config you bot as you want
Making scripts:
-In the trainning window select script and make your own script, to make any script you have to do it in the place where you reborn in each city(near of the teleport) and go to you train place(save the script and in the other flage select where script that you was create)
Some pictures:
2 التعليقات:
Hello .. I Did Every Thing Like You Told Us .. But I Can't Register To The Bot Can You Help Me Quickly Please ..
When I Enter My Yahoo Email Or Hotmail Email It Say Invalid Email .. Notice That They Are My Real Emails And When It Accept One Mail It "Stuck" On The Word Saying "Sending Registration Request" .. Notice That I Made Very Secure Password And A Good Id With A Capital Letter At The Beginning .. Like I Did To The SBOT .. So Please Help Me Quickly
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