If you want to add your server in our big comprehensive guide to silkroad private servers
I'm gonna give a guide or lets call them tips for making an appropriated advert thread
So here is the guide:
A good advert is always the best on color and image. Try to at least give out the title/name of the server on a good format. Using SRO font could work. like this:
Correct title name
The threadtitle MUST be a preview of the server, for which, it will be adviced to be this way:
[Servername] [CAP] [Type(PVP/PVE)] [Additional Info]Be respectful
Never, never and, again; Never be disrespectful toward others, specially since those are the one that will join your server
If you gonna block some countries IP, do it but do not do it on a rude way
Show pictures of the server
People like to see how server looks like.
This is also a good way to introduce the staff team and some features that your server has.
You are allowed to post up to 5 images
Give links and and Client Download Links
Making a forum or website in which you have to register to be able to see all links is not a bad idea, but people prefer to get the links directly from thread they are reading
Also, it is advised that the website/forum link you will give MUST have a link back to PrvSro.
If not, the thread could be closed and links removed until website got the link back and Moderator is contacted
Tell us about your team
If people making a server post the advertise here, please tell us if you are part of the staff team..
Add a Backlink to PrvSro
You must give us backlink to our website , Your topic will be closed and links removed if no back link is present on your website
This rule does not count non-server related websites. Any website advertised here without any relation with a SRO Private server will be removed and thread posted reported.
Free linkback html code
<a href="http://prvsro.blogspot.com/"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEghr6ZvlHZa1kZlohyphenhyphenGE3oHUwfDl5M-XRHExx9wq4nsHZfKGlVZRlnZwLdlYm71TCojnb3DgmK0JNNLodFjI1tiObofqJKTNZjNEipdQ_t97eqoonxxbO1Gg2MClMKXSlqEDNXzqyfYzLs1/s1600/PrvSro_Logo.png" alt="PrvSro BackLink" title="PrvSro BackLink" /></a>
Also, if server closes, please contact us to close topic after you give explanations
This is because there are lots of dead server which thread is still open and can be used to bump or spam
As a final note
Please offer your players a good support both on server and the thread you gonna create here
Ok, I think I cover all points.
Remember:This is Just a simple Tip thread
Is up to Mod/Admin decision to close/delete thread that they find it unappropriated
This way the thread will be easy to view and will ease the need to keep posting more details
Thank you for your time
You can contact us by email us : prvsrosite@gmail.com or you can fill this form and we will review your server