The transform of silkroad online legacy.
Evolution Gaming Network is a network which tries so hard to create new legacy of mmorpg gameplay system . In fact , The legacy won't be changed without someone who force it to change .. We , The team of Evolution Gaming Network CO. transforming the road of play in Silkroad Online to a new magement of trustful , hopeful predictions . Server Information:
Experience rate : 149x
Party Experience Rate : 156x
Gold Rate : 13x
Job rate : 26x
Alchemy : 2.5x
FGW Card drop rate : 4x
Server Features :
New magicpop system
New funny items
This item drops everywhere in every monster in silkroad areas . It gives you the chance to win gold with unlimited numbers . And it's random , from 1 gold to 100b gold . And every item has its rare drop .
Tip: it's not tradeable or dropable . Just pickable .
New modified items
LC Coin
JC Coin
New list of sorted avatars
New helper npc
New craft system
Pics will be edited
New quest system
New area
New launcher style
New chat color
New modified npcs
New list of mobs
Bone Roc
More pictures will be modified soon
New welcome message
New teleports
New customized pets
New avatars
More pictures will be added .
Web Features
Unique rank system
More pictures will be modified soon
Whole character database management
More pictures will be modified soon
New character information database
More pictures will be modified soon
New web mall
More pictures will be modified soon
New forum system
More pictures will be modified soon
Bot isn't allowed
How ever you'll bypass your security , you'll be under risk
Selling gold isn't allowed
We don't allow selling golds ingame to prevent the corruption
Do not abuse anything it's might be bugged
Selling accounts / characters for real money isn't allowed
We don't allow such things like that . and If you've done it , We have no clue about it
Because there's no [GM] accounts in-game to prevent corruption might be
happen in any day , We would like to announce that we will review
supporters application . How ever , the spam for this application might
moves you to the blacklist.
Also , supporters have rules they should apply and , players should apply
Also , supporters have rules they should apply and , players should apply
Players to supporters
Respect them
Do not insult any of supporter team
Keep calm while you're pming a supporter , because he works for hundreds of people
Report in forum if you see anything goes out from supporter and you feel its wrong
Supporter to players
Respect them
Do not insult any of server's players
Keep calm while you're pming a player , because he might need your help
Supporter has all rights to ban someone else immediately if he saw anything goes wrong ingame
Links you might need
Official links
Official website
Eridanus website
Download page
Register page
Guides and sharing
More pictures will be modified soon