»Welcome To Our Game Zone sro Online»
»Server Information:
Files : vSro Server
Cap : 100
Free Silk : YES
Server Race's : China & Euro
Exp -Sp Rate : 35x
Party Exp Rate : 55x
Gold Drop Rate : 7x
Item Drop Rate : 30x
Alchemy Rate :
+1 => 80%
+2 => 70%
+3 => 60%
+4 => 50%
+5 => 40%
+6 => 20%
+7 => 10%
+8 => 10%
+9 => 9%
+10 => 8%
+11 => 7%
+12 => 5%
Sox Drop Rate : 1x
Mastery : 300
Job Rate : 150x
Ip Limit : 3
»Start Items:
»3 Reverse Return Scroll's.
»10 %100 Speed Scroll.
»20 Instant Return Scroll's.
»Devil Spirit 7 days (M/F).
»Angel Dress (M/F).
»1,000,000 Gold.
»100.000 Skill Point's.
»Attack Pet.
»pick pet.
»Capture The Flag Event.
»Battle Arena.
»New Npc
»We have added 2 new npc first one have all items and weapons moons and suns you can buy it with gold coins or arena coins.
»Screen Shot for First Npc
»The Second Npc have item silk and stones you can check screenshots.
»Screen Shot for Second Npc
»Job Cave
We have added new cave at Downhang for thief and hunter there is 5 Uniques will spawn every 2h,it will drop gold coins and global.
»Automatic Equipment:
»Auto-Equipment you will be getting full blue items degree (1dg - 9dg).
We add Reverse in npc for gold and items moon for just 1 gold coin.
»Stall Limits
We have changed the stall limits to 500Bil gold. This enables you to use gold in an easier way and buy items without getting scammed.
»Unique Spawn Areas
We have added Str And Int uniques to give chance for everyone to hunt and kill uniques without ks from wizz,the uniques will drop gold coins and arena coins that you can use it to buy from our npc items moons or suns or item silk.
This one is quite easy. You receive a Unique Champion title for Top Player kill Unique. The 'Unique Champion' will be replaced by the Top Player Score,Top 3 players will be reward Silks every month.
»Teleport To Medusa
we just added new teleport from samarkand to medusa spawn,so you can go to medusa direct without attack first uniques when the gate open,medusa will drop free silks scroll and gold coins + arena coins + item silks.
1-we make every 3 days events try to find gm and kill him,auto free silk reward will be given for the winner.
2-we make every 2 days events pvp,auto free silk reward will be given for the winner.
3-we make every 3 days events job war for thief and hunter and traders,auto free gold coins reward will be given for the winner.
»Hero Mode
You can get hero mode from killing any thief or hunter or trader then you will get the buff for 1h,cheating? max number you can kill per 1 player is 2 time only and you can get buff when you can kill any thief or hunter or trader when you at jop for 5 times,when you kill more than 5 the buff will be increased
»New Devil's Spirit with 3 avatars:
we have added New Devil's Spirit with 3 avatars in item mall it is amazing and have more great buffs for mag and def speed etc..
You can now get gold coins from making trade and when you delivery it to the npc you will be reward gold coins after you sell the goods and make relog to get the gold coins,so you can use it in our npc,cheating? you can get only the gold coins when you make trade 4 start at less once you delivery it the pet will be removed and you will be reward the gold coins.
»Download Link
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