Hello we would like to present you our new Server (Serpens)
main idea is to give you the best gameplay you ever had, we are hear to provide you a free 2 play, lagless, balanced and most importantly fun experience of Serpens Sro Gaming , our network is based Trade run's and Job War's,Our goal is to build a mature community on a stable and well made server.Join us if you want to give it a chance!
Keep in mind : updates will be preformed every week to add alot of new content & features as contentious updating is the key to your amusement in this way we can hear u out and know your opinions and what do u think about our server that will be our way to develop and make a mature community.
Serpens is presenting ana enjoyable server that we collected all the fun&enjoyable&nice systems from sro world and put it all on one server , useful systems , very enjoyable and your always welcomed to our server
Server is opening at 02.08.2014
Basic Information
Information Amount
Level cap 100.
Instant level 100.
Degree 10 degree.
Skill cap 100.
Server files VSRO.
Mastery level 330
Towns Jangan/Donwhang/Hotan
Races Chinese
Bot Allowed.
IP Limit 3.
Upgrade Weapon System Explained below
Lottery System Explained below
Coin system Explained below
Seal of X items: Explained below
Alchemy rates MaxPlus is +10 No Advanced
Fortress Only Jangan enabled until we reach a satisfying amount of players
Max Stack 1000 – 500
Protection DDoS Protection
Admins Experienced and professional staff members
Opening date 01/08/2014
Server Rates
Ip Limit | 3
We have decided to set ip limit to 3 characters per IP.
The fact that some players can open more than 3 chars is
something we do not support.
Alchemy | Rate 1 x
The most appropriate alchemy rate. It is difficult enough to
keep you trying and not reach a satisfying
plus value in a small amount of tries. It won't drive you mad
aswell since its not being that terrible aswell.
Trade | Rate (High)
We've completely changed the trade rewards. Its like we're
forcing you to make trades.
Gold drop | Rate 50 x
A good gold drop rate to help you get enough gold to be
able to buy equipment from npc and other important things
such as pots/pills etc. We made gold drop rate pretty low
because trades are important.
We have decided to set ip limit to 3 characters per IP.
The fact that some players can open more than 3 chars is
something we do not support.
Alchemy | Rate 1 x
The most appropriate alchemy rate. It is difficult enough to
keep you trying and not reach a satisfying
plus value in a small amount of tries. It won't drive you mad
aswell since its not being that terrible aswell.
Trade | Rate (High)
We've completely changed the trade rewards. Its like we're
forcing you to make trades.
Gold drop | Rate 50 x
A good gold drop rate to help you get enough gold to be
able to buy equipment from npc and other important things
such as pots/pills etc. We made gold drop rate pretty low
because trades are important.
Purfication pill bugg has been fixed-We have fixed this really <<famous>> bugg to offer you
an even better gameplay!
Capture the flag
-Who doesn't like CTF? We think everyone does, thats the
reason we have enabled it. From ctf you will receive arena
coins each kill .
Serpens(s) stacksInformation Amount
HP-Potions 1000.
MP-Potions 1000.
Vigor-Grains 1000.
Uni-Pills 1000.
Puri-Pills: 50.
Arrow 10000.
Lucky Powder 50.
Speed Drugs 10.
Elixirs 50.
Stone 100.
Elixir & Alchemy materials
-we have disabled elixirs drop and added it into shop for 1 arena
also we disabled destroy rondo
Starter items
Arena Manger
-Who doesn't like Arena? We think everyone does, thats the
reason we have enabled it. From Arena you will receive arena
Information Amount
Random Win = 10 & Lose = 5.
Job Win = 15 & Lose = 7.
we have decreased the vigor potion to from 20% to 15% so u can enjoy the balanced game play
Features we are proud of
Job Points
You can receive job points from each job kill on this area
Anti Cheat System
-you won't receive any job points from your ip (same ip u logged on)
-u can't receive more that 3 job points per char
-this is the only area u can receive job points on
Serpens(s) Hero mode
-Another awesome feature & idea.
We have made a Hero mode that will allow you to
receive some certain buffs for killing enemy players
from an opponent job union. The starts you will get
are % physical and magical damage, % Parry and
Attack rate and % lucky increase. Also you will get
str & int based on the hero mode level.
There are 5 kind of buffs:
10 Kills in row = 1%
20 Kills in row = 2%
30 Kills in row = 3%
40 Kills in row = 4%
50 Kills in row = 5%
Anti Cheat System
- You wont get any kills count from the same person
more than 3 times.
- You can only earn points by killing players at the job area
Lottery System
we have added a gold lottery system enjoyable & easy getting gold
you have to join holy water temple so u can collect "Tomb Cards"
then u can exchange it for the "Lottery gold scroll"
you can win 1~500m from the lottery system , hope you enjoy it
New Honor System
since our server is a pvp server we decided to add new honor system working by job
New Titles System
we have added a new titles so u guys can have enjoyable challenges
Trader#1 for the highest trade rank
Thife#1 for the highest thife rank
Hunter#1 for the highest Hunter rank
AlchemyKing for the highest + maker
MoneyMaker for the highest gold owner
Special Features
About glows & sun items customization
Check the photos bellow for the sun
visual upgrade.
Guild & Union capacity has been lowered
A union represents 4 guilds and a guild 25 members.
We did this to make the game more competitive and
bring more fun to it.
Skill mastery
we decided to keep it as it was on isro (330) so more fun & enjoyable game play
New Trade System
We've completely changed the trade rewards. Its like
we're forcing you to make trades to get the high end gear
Read bellow about the reward for making trades!
Trader: receives 30 arena coin after completing a trade
(5 Star required ).
Hunter : receives 15 arena coins for each trade he supports
(5 Star required ).
Thief : receives 15 arena coins for each trade he steals
(5 Star required ).
Note: you have to relog to receive them
Special Scrolls
we haved added alot of special scrolls that could make it easy for players game play
Upgrade Scroll : you can upgrade from any moon item ( set , acc , wep ) +8 to sun +0 with it
Rename Scroll : you can rename ur char
Reset stats Scroll : you can reset ur char stats
Reset skills Scroll : you can reset all ur skills
Adv remover scroll : you can remove adv's from items
Pk reset scroll : you can reset ur pk status with it
Premium remover scroll : you can remove ur premium
holy water time reset : you can reset ur holy water temple time
Added around 400 different avatars and +70 pet's you may won't
believe us until you join!
Extra Features
Stall Limit
We have changed stall limit to 500 billion gold to avoid scamming.Coins per Hour
we have added coins per hour system , u receive arena coin each hour your online on storage
Uniques System
So we make it easy for our players to earn arena coin we decided to add an easy way , Normal uniques spawn each hour (tiger , ivy , crebues , isy , lord , demon) each coin drop 10 arena coin
Hope you like it!
Serpen(s) Gallery
Moon Items
1 gold moon items fb
Alchemy npc
contains elixirs + adv's & 1gold stones
contains most avatars ever existed on sro world
Sun items
Mixed Shop
as u see
+70 grap pets & attack pets
Scrolls for job points
contains scrolls like ( remove prem & change name & reset stats , skills & remove adv
Titles Shop
easy way to teleport to these unqiues
Serpens(s) Links
Website : Link
Register : Link
Download : Link
Facebook Page : Link
Facebook Group : Link
Forum : Link
- Thanks for your attention
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