ft Maze-Online | Pvp Cap 110 | D11 Pvp | Instant Lvl 110 | Start Items | Old Job System | Job Temple | Coin System | Coin Per Trade | Avatar Npc | Custom Npc | Fgw | Custom Scrolls | Disabled Skills | Daily Events | Ctf | Job based ~ Private Sro

Silkroad Private Servers

Maze-Online | Pvp Cap 110 | D11 Pvp | Instant Lvl 110 | Start Items | Old Job System | Job Temple | Coin System | Coin Per Trade | Avatar Npc | Custom Npc | Fgw | Custom Scrolls | Disabled Skills | Daily Events | Ctf | Job based

Welcome to Maze Online - Secure

Hello guys.. we've new game d11 " pvp " .. we know that there're a lot of pvp games.. we'll introduce a whole new adventure: job, FGW, Events and more.. we're trying to introduce a new idea to change the style of the bored pvp games we've been playing a lot of servers..
so we've the experience of the players so we know what u need to have fun now there're a lot of pvp servers but we introduce a whole new adventure..
Our server is a mix between hard life and easy one in a different way
 Maze Road
let's explain

Server Stats

Game info

A good bunch of starting items in order to help you on your Adventure as much as possible

Starting at level 110

1.Devil M..F 15%
2.50 Reverse
3.premium 5%
4.10 Speed 100%
5.Fur Dress
6.Return Scroll

Let's start with Job we made it only The real way to get gold in Maze-online is by Jobbing. We have forge some custom rates that will be enough to duplicate
your inversion from town to town or even triplicate or quadruplicate your inversion if you are planing on long scale trades and we make trade give Arena for more Fight with hunter and Thieves for Job on trade to get you the real war like old school like old day's

Old style job suits
No more job "Avatars", we like the old style flags for Hunters and Traders and the dress for the Thieves.
You will unlock different flag types by the time you level up you Job Level.
but We Made Job level is [100]

then we make the only way to get elixir from job temple and we made Uniques which in job temple [old unique] Drop 50/60 arena and 5 silk Each Unique to Back to the old War With Hunter's and Thieves Like old day's we change the reward to arena coins

Job Temple Teleports

We made one Teleport for 3 Unique drop arena coin Each unique drop like 25/30 Arena coin appear every [2]Hour

This [Shop] have 3 page every page have new and old avatars you can buy it with arena [hat 100 arena] [Accessory 100 Arena] [Avatar 300 Arena]

This [ Shop] For Egy A Item [Power] +11 no adv..[1000]Arena Coin

we make there only one way to get egy B Item [Fight] you can get it in FGW [Forgetting world] Talisman [Collection book] and uniques there will drop immortal stone work in Grade [3].[4]

7.Items Full Blue

Some items silk for arena and for 1gold
Reverse For 1gold
Premium for 1gold
Trans pet for 2 arena Each one
Devil +5 for [1000] Arena and [100.000.000] 100M Gold !
Skill edit potion 1for 5 Arena
Change Char Name for 100 silk

Disabled Skills
Euro Warrior Pain Quota skill Disabled
Euro Warrior Magic Defense fence Physical fence skill Disabled

Euro Bard dance skills & Tambour skills disabled

Screen skills disabled

► Some Screenshot from game Event's Trader's
For Max plus is +13 for power item +11 for fight item

Fortress War Register Time: (Thursday, 06:00:00 - 00:00:00) till
Fortress War Time: (Thursday, 08:00:00 - 10:00:00 AM)
Ctf Start Every 2 hours[under test]
Battle Arena Every 2 hours [under test]
all game depend on Arena coin so you can get it with many ways
1.by Jobbing Trade,Hunter or Thief
2.by killing uniques like Tiger Girl,Ivy,Etc drop 5 arena coin
3.by killing at ctf
4.Battle Arena
5.holly Temple water
6.and Job Uniques like Neith , isis and Etc

About our team
5 Years Experience
1.Omdaelnagy[Dev] Sql and HTTP and Editor and Database
2.YourSir [Dev] Security and Fire Wall
3.[GM] Guardians - Event manager
4.[GM] Dracula - Event manager
5.[GM] ChanceTaker - Event manager

Just give it a Try
Official Trailer

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Forum: Link

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