Hello, We'd like to proudly present the brand new Sumerian Online.
A new Silkroad Online experience where you can find the Classic , the Recent, and the innovative gaming.
Grand Opining Date 12/08/2015 9:00 GMT+2
Providing you with a new concept of SRO , our aim is to create a system where you can choose between the classic and the new SRO frontiers,With Both enhanced with new creative ideas and additional features.
We worked hard on the project to make sure we can deliver the best SRO gaming quality to you, with an active, experienced multilingual Administration Team.
So let's start with some basic , general features:
"We made sure players can have the most out of Silkroad Online's Game-play variety by adding even more to it and also by avoiding creating the large gap you usually notice between those who donate much & those who do not."
Basic Server Information:
Server name:Sumerian
Information Amount
Degree 13
Mastery Limit lvl 130
Races CH/EU
Cap 130
Server Type PVE
Rates Exp/Sp 90x
Party Exp/Sp 105x (Moderate rates for a more challenging D13 Gaming)
Balanced Yes (Fair play Ch/Eu are Essential)
Protected Yes
Job System Nearly the whole thing is based on it (Explained in Detailed Features)
Forgotten World Disabled, Simply boring to kill some mobs to get a good gear.
Battle Arena Enabled
CTF Enabled
Simple Features:
Starter Items
Not significant but helpful items for new players
Balanced Game-play:
We made
sure to maintain racial balance in power to provide the best PVP
Fair-play. Also more and more updates are planned to perfect the Ch/Eu
Power equality that wasn't neatly maintained by Joymax
Alchemy Rate: -We have made it hard with no max plus. So the player who works and fuses his items a lot, gets the higher plus. Also we made the Spirit Alchemy rate harder too so that only the most persistent will reach its Max of 10.
Job System:
the best out of ISRO's Job Concept , we innovated it with new features
and events;Moreover, we added extra rewards aiming to encourage players
on Jobbing , as it plays a basic and essential role in the game-play.
>> (More Information in Detailed Features)
Fortress war
We have enabled only Constantinople fortress war to make a constant challenge between the guilds in the server.
Union/Guild limit?
We believe
you do not like this feature, Even we do not like it. So we have
completely abandoned the idea of editing them and kept them as they
originally are.
New Areas:*Added all Arabia map with strong mobs of special Drops.
*New Dungeons containing strong uniques with precious rewards. (More about the dungeons in Detailed Features.)
Detailed Features:
Starter System:
-So obviously ,many Pservers now add a starter area with starter quest and starter mobs. What we did is to completely abandon this idea.
-Each Character will start Level 1 with the starter items mentioned in the simple features , so players must work from the very beginning on their char levels.
Job System: (gets even better over time)
- We added the complete Job Features with nothing over-edited.
- Trade Routes: They are kept as original as they are in ISRO ,so nobody would find any complexity in his first approach to the trade routes. ( an innovation has to be classically genuine.)
- As For Trading rewards , we maintained a moderate gold reward to avoid having a Server economy with huge item prices. Arena coins is the reward for each of the characters that participates in a successful 5* trade of level 110+ , this reward also applies for the thieves if they successfully raid the goods and sell them in thief town.
Lottery Scroll:
The idea is basically a scroll which is obtained from jupiter temple mobs. You use a scroll n' get a random sun *12D* item.
How to obtain items?-SON can be obtained from mobs.
-SOM can be obtained from a certain npc located in jangan for Gold coins. You can get gold coins via killing uniques.
-Sun can be obtained from a certain npc located in jangan for Job Points. You can get job points via killing opposite jobbers.
You will get free silks upon creating a character
Academy system
We have kept it as it is in iSRO, so the old players would help the new ones in exchange of honor points =)
Battle arena
Battle arena will be the main source of getting arena coins. You will need arena coins to buy some precious items.
Item New Designs:- For D13 items, The order of seals will be like this: (Seal of Nova , Seal of Moon , Seal of Sun)
- Players are able to get SON items from Jupiter temple mobs and Arabian mobs located in jangan. Any seal else is obtained from Non-Player Characters Located in jangan with certain requirements of currencies.
*Any Seal above SON is only obtained by Job points or gold coins. So getting 'em won't be an easy task.
- We added some cool Weapon glow effects for each of the 3 seals
Starters NPCs
-We have
added 10D items and 11D items NPCs. You can find them in jangan, they
will help you to get 11~12D items to level up faster.
Coin system
-As it ensures
a long term server, we have decided to add it. You have definitely seen
the servers in the past years, they all tried to abandon the idea of
coin system and they literally failed.
Automatic equipment-Your char will get automatically equipped upon leveling up until you reach lv 81.
Arabia Region:
-We have added the Arabian regions to offer you a bigger map for grinding.
-You can
barely find everything you need in NPCs. The prices are not ..... up
and they will fit you. Try it? You got nothing to lose.
Automatic and Special Events:[I]- Naturally daily events of all kinds will be available for you to play , level up , and earn valuable rewards.
- There will be Special events weekly created by a GM. The event itself will be one of a kind and carrying his signature , so be totally sure that our Team's in-game activity will be essential and very rapid.
-We have added an automatic event, It is called survival event and it is more like the last man standing event.
Future Updates will be plenty: Our team came up with many creative ideas and features , so we decided to postpone them for making cool in-game updates that will massively affect the game-play inside out. Don't be so sure about the game system above ; its future will absolutely blow your mind!
Server Sumerian will be Officially launching next Wednesday at 6:00 GMT , so join us and make this an epic Silkroad Online experience for all of you..
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