Pvp Servers
You can find here best pvp server that have start items and free silk.
Pve Server
You can find your best pve server that have free silk and start items that help you to be best player .
Job Servers
You can find here the best servers that based in job like thief,hunters and trader (Real enjoy).
You can find here the guides and builds to make your character the best in the server and another Guides.
Bots and Tools
You can find here best bot and tools that will help you in game.
ZSZC-Zone | Cap 105 | Chinese Only | Low Rates | Ip Limit | Balanced System | Free Silk | OldSchool Server | Custom Edits | Old Glows | Protected Server | Old Job System | Old Design | Anti Ddos System | Old Title System
Let me read your mind, you think it's going to
be another boring announcement of a dead server. Meanwhile you wander
from server to server, not being able to find your place.
Pinnacle | Cap 100 | D10 | Balanced System | Low Rates | Ftw | New Dungeons | Custom Npc | New Mobs | Snake Room | New Glows | Coin System | FGW | Original Titles | New Knowledge Skills | SRO-R Skills | Sarin Tribe | New Quests | Custom Edits
Short introduction:
We are a small team which consists of 2 developers and an investor, our main purpose is to achieve the true gaming experience. Through our extensive experience in SRO.
We are a small team which consists of 2 developers and an investor, our main purpose is to achieve the true gaming experience. Through our extensive experience in SRO.
Overlimit | Cap 130 | D13 | Job Based | Advanced Systems | New Random Areas | OverLimit-Sro Reloaded | Special Grab Pets | Custom Npcs | Automatic Titles System | Free Silk/Hour | New Systems | Awesome Features | Professional Team | Achievement System | Lottery Scrolls | Auto Equipement | Crystal System | Coin System | Academy Buffs | Surprise System
Put your hands up so hard! The time has come for the most enjoyable server OverLimit ever created. If you really want to play an unstoppable game, you won't find it anywhere. But, you'll do right here!
Asterius Online | D11 | Zero Edits | Job Based | Long Term | Ip Limit | Battle Arena | Free Silk | Mid Rates | Anti Bot System | Max Plus | Coin System | Ctf | Play2Win | Anti Cheat Protection | 5 Pages Pet | Holy Water Temple | Custom Edits | Balanced System
Hello,Welcome to our advertising thread on Prvsro.
I think most of people were searching for a server with zero edits which brings u back to old silkroad memories,So do we.
Hello,Welcome to our advertising thread on Prvsro.
I think most of people were searching for a server with zero edits which brings u back to old silkroad memories,So do we.
Avior Silkroad | Neptune | Cap 110 | D11 | Mid Rates | Protected Server | FTW | Ctf | Max Plus | Job Max Level | New Pets | Ip Limit | Lucky Scroll | FGW | Coin System | Special Glows | Arabia Update | Custom Edits
Neptune is an upcoming Silkroad private server brought to you by our team at Avior gaming.