Welcome! This is Corvus Online. We would like to offer an old school game play with our 8D server.
Rates Value
Cap 80 PVP
Europe/Chinese Chinese only
Server Files VSRO Files
Skills All Working
Pets All working
Maps Jangan/ Donwhang/ Hotan/ Donwhang cave
Item Mall Fully working
Guild/Union Emblem Working
CTF Working
Arena Working
Fortress war Hotan only
FGW disabled
Server Vintage
Drop rate 30x
Gold Rate 10x
Job Gold Rate 300x
Berzerk Rate 2x
Alchemy Success Rate Interesting enough with a limit of +12 maximum
Advanced elixir Removed
Balanced Yes
IP limit 2
Max slot 1000
Item Moon disabled
Coin disabled
Vigor 5%
devil disabled
scroll res disabled
scroll phy and mag disabled
lucky magic powder enabled
guild member 30 player
union disabled
Uniques STR + INT lv 80
magic pop disabled
plus notice start +7
Exp None it's PVP server
HP/MP 1000
Premium 5%
Return Scroll 20
Monkey Grap pet 3 days
Revers Scroll 10
upgrade System
Upgrade Weapon You should have weapon D8 seal of star +9 to change it seal of sun +5
Upgrade Shield You should have Shield D8 seal of star +9 to change it seal of sun +5
Upgrade Item You should have any Item D8 seal of star +9 to change it seal of sun +5
Upgrade Accessory You should have Accessory D8 seal of star +9 to change it seal of sun +5
Five Horned Rhinoceros Up hp and speed too
Buffalo Up hp and speed too
White Elephant Up hp and speed too
Fire ox Normal hp and speed too like old sro
Npc Accessory
Npc Accessory in HT-DH-JG Information
Item Accessory D8 Seal Of Star
Necklace Necklace seal of star +3 full blue/full stat/for 1 gold
EARRING Earring seal of star +3 full blue/full stat/for 1 gold
RING Ring seal of star +3 full blue/full stat/for 1 gold
Return Scroll Max 1000 each 1 = 1 Gold
Stone Max 1000 each 1 = 1 Mil
Lucky powder Max 1000 each 1 = 1 Gold
Speed Max 1000 each 1 = 1 Gold
Lucky magic powder Max 1000 each 1 = 100 Mil
Revers Max 1000 each 1 = 10 Mil
Coin gold You can change your gold for coin gold(100m - 500m - 1B - 2B)
scroll Reset name Max 1000 each 1 = 1B
scroll Reset stat Max 1000 each 1 = 1B
scroll Reset skills Max 1000 each 1 = 1B
Scroll Remove premium Max 1000 each 1 = 500 Mil
Elixirs Max 1000 Weapon = 5m - Shield = 4m - Armor = 3m - Accessary
Lucky and steady stone Max 1000 each 1 = 30 Mil
All title each 1 = 250 Mil
Npc Item - Weapon
NPC Item - Weapon Seal of star
Npc item - weapon in HT-DH-JG Information
All Weapons Blade-Glaive-Spear-Bow-Sword-Shield FB-FS (+3) Seal of star for 1 Gold
All Items Garment-Protector-Armor FB-FS (+3) Seal of star for 1 gold
Npc Potion
Npc Potion Information
Zerk Scroll We change it to lvl 80 every 1h each 1 = 1 Mil
Vigor We change it from 25% to 5% each 1 = 50k Gold
Skills Max lv80
System Information
System Unique
System Uniques Information
Tiger girl Str-Int Gift Title Name - 10 Silk
Uruchi Str-Int Gift Title Name - 10 Silk
Isy Str-Int Gift Title Name - 15 Silk
Lord Yarkan Gift Title Name - 20 Silk
Roc Str-Int Gift Title Name - 80 Silk - 500M
System Job War
Here system if you kill anyone in job suit (Trader/Hunter/Thief) you will receive 2 silks , but you can't kill one person more than 5 times / day.
Stall - Revers - Exchange - Restart - Global - Zerk
Stall Every 20 sec
Revers Every 60 sec
Exchange Every 20 sec
Restart Button Every 60 sec
Global Every 20 sec
Zerk Every 30 sec
System Ftw
System when any guild win in Ftw they take the reward (HT = 150 silk -
JG = 100 Silk - Bandit = 50 Silk) to every player in winner guild///FTW =
every weeks (Friday) from 19:00:00PM to 21:00:00PM // Register every
(Monday -Tuesday - Wednesday) from 13:00:00 PM to 22:00:00 PM // Gold
Ftw every week Saturday from 13:00:00PM to 22:00:00PM
System Upgrade
Here System when you have (weapon - shield - armor - accessory +9) seal of star you can change it to seal of sun +5
System Trader
Mobs Temple
Temple Information
just take it from npc temple (Npc trader and hunter - Npc thief) then kill 1500 mobs lv 80 in temple and you will get 50 silk every quest
You can tell me your idea in message Or skype:()
Download Full Client
You should download full client to avoid any crash
Server team
rackish 26 years old - developer - procedures - Media editor - Protection
smallVille 25 years old- Egyption support - Protiction
domin3k 21 years old - html/css & English support
New update Ver.2 Corvus online
-Add new systems
-System GM killer
-System last man standing
-System pvp killer
-System trivia (Question:Answer)
-System jop pvp killer
-System Jop gold + honor buff
-Ip limit2
-Add Survival Area
-Add holy water temple (Beginner Uniques - Intermediate Uniques - Advance Uniques) drop silk
-Increase gold trader
-Add new avatars in npc
-Add new world flags
-Add new attack pets
-Add new grap pets
-Fix all bugs
-Add FGW last uniques and box drop gold and silk
-Add scroll silk in npc
-Add new weapon style for sun like D10 just style and if you want to change it to D10 weapon (you should make your weapon +9 sun to change it)
-Add Scroll lottery silk (from 1 silk to 30 silk)
-Add new spot uniques Demon Shaitan in Donwhang
-Fix bug pills
-Delete PK
-**update future**
1-Add skills D10 and decrease dmg it like D8
2-Add more uniques lv80
3-Add Room Baghdad uniques
4-Add system Hide & seek event
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