ft ZvSro | Cap 105 | Chinese Only | Old School Server | Mid Rates | Zszc Style | Max Plus | Honor Rank | Old Design | Old Job System | Start Items | Old Pvp Capes | Balanced System | Egyptian Items | Mystery Box | Job Based System | Coin System | Trade Route | Auto Equipment | Free Silk/Hour | Jangan Fortress War ~ Private Sro

Silkroad Private Servers

ZvSro | Cap 105 | Chinese Only | Old School Server | Mid Rates | Zszc Style | Max Plus | Honor Rank | Old Design | Old Job System | Start Items | Old Pvp Capes | Balanced System | Egyptian Items | Mystery Box | Job Based System | Coin System | Trade Route | Auto Equipment | Free Silk/Hour | Jangan Fortress War

Hello !
do you remember ZVSRO?
The server which went online 3 years ago.
we were the first server that opened a server, with a mixed system.
We used the VSRO server files, with ZSZC features implemented.  


Today we are coming back with that same system,
but with an improved gameplay system and many more features than before!
we have been thinking to open a server with original ZSZC files,
but since silkroad players nowadays don't like to play on a server without bot
we decided to use VSRO files instead of the ZSZC files.
Also ZSZC files had many more bugs and way less features.
so we're going to give you a mixed server with new features and a old school feeling.

  Screenshot from old server
Closed Beta

Closed beta phase
This is a period of server testing by Server team
checking the stabilization of the server to make sure it's ready to open beta phase.

Closed Beta Date :
From 30/11/2017
To 04/12/2017

Open Beta
Open Beta phase

Join the beta phase is optional ,
while beta phase we're gonna to test everything made in game system
to be sure there is no bugs and the server is stable,
any accounts , characters etc.. made while beta phase
will be wiped on grand opening.

On beta phase you will get free silks and plvl will be faster
Beta Phase Start time: 5th of Dec at 07:00pm (Server Time)
Beta Phase End time : 19th of Dec at 07:00pm (Server Time)

Grand Opening

When we finally finish our Beta phase and got all the bugs fixed
we will move to Grand opening the server will be done and ready to play for public.

Grand opening date should be :
20th of Dec at 07:00pm (Server Time)

Basic Information
Cap | 105
Since zszc was cap 105 we'd like to use same Max level as it.
Pet Cap | 105
As it should be attackpet max level same as character
Gear Cap | D11
Our server max gear is degree 11 [Nova]
Masteries | 360
We've set the masteries limit to 315 + 45
Max Plus | 12
Max plus without adv is +10 and with +12
Academy/Honor Rank| Enabled
Academy is working but since it's bad when the players keep creates many characters to get the honor buff we have changed it to be based on job system [info Below]
Advanced | Enabled
Available Adv elixir [ Adv A , Adv B ]
Force Mastery| Disabled
as old school we removed the force mastery
Damage Scrolls| Removed
the damage scrolls has been remove from item mall .
Res Scrolls| Removed
Res Scrolls has been removed from item mall .
Job Penalty | 7days
Leaving Job required 7 days to rejoin any job type again .
Guild Penalty | 3days
Leaving Guild required 3 days to rejoin any Guild again . 
Fortress | Jangan
We just enabled Jangan fortress
Guild Start | Level 5
instead of spend your sp to plvl your guild we've change the starting level to lv:5
Server Rates
  • Exp: 30x
  • Exp Party:35x
  • Drop Items:15x
  • Drop Gold:3x
  • Job Rate:20x
  • Alchemy:1x [Original]
 Start Items
  • 1x 60% Exp. Helper
  • 1x 100% Exp. Helper
  • 20x Instant Return Scroll
  • 500x Hp Recovery Potion
  • 10x Increase Moving Speed (100%)
  • 11x Reverse Return Scroll
  • 3 days Grab Pet
  • 500K Skill Point
  • 3x inventory pages

 Max Stacks

Old School - Interface
to bring back old school feeling we decided to add old school interface designOld School Interface
 Old PVP Cape

Monsters Place

ZsZc Mobs between Lv:90 and Lv:105 was moved around Constantinople and Samarkand
we'd like to move the mobs like it was.

  Edited NPCS
Constantinople NPCs

  Grocery Trader Bajel [Accessory NPC
  Protector Trader Jatomo [Armor NPC
Weapon Trader Balbardo [Weapons NPC 
  Samarkand NPCs
  Grocery Trader Saha (Accessory NPC)
  Protector Trader Aryoan (Armor NPC)
  Weapon Trader Tricia (Weapons NPC)

 Egyptian Items

As ZsZc we've added Normal Egy A and Egy B items as drop from Mobs Lv: 101 ~ 105

Mystery Box

The image explain it's self ,it is Mystery Box that contains useful items.
How to get this box ?

Battle Arena
by winning or losing Battle arena you'll get Mystery Box
Killing uniques
by hunting uniques you can found Mystery Box as drop

Job System

Since ZvSRO based on Job
so we made the job system is main target to get Nova Dg11 (set,acc,wep) highest Degree

*note : To wear the job suit you need at least to be Lv100 or more
You can collect up to 275 Z-Job Coins Weekly from jobbing as thief, hunter or trader
You can check the remain Z-Job coins and the date of reset on the website

jobbing is main way to get gold

Trader: 80M~120M Gold profit from (5*) Trade + 4~7 Z-Job Coin
Hunter: 7M~15M Gold profit + 1 Z-Job Coin from each (5*) Trade in the party
Thief: 35M~50M Gold profit from (5*) Trade + 3~4 Z-Job Coin

To avoid any cheat we've made Z-Job Coin untradeable

Trade Route

As old school we didn't change the old trade route
You can use the original trade route

Jangan -> Donwhang
Donwhang <- Jangan

Jangan -> Hotan
Hotan <- Jangan

Donwhang -> Hotan
Hotan -> Donwhang

Trans / Trade Pets

Instead of taking ages to grab your trade goods
we decided to decrease the Trans / Trade pets slots to 2x slots with 2x 2840 stack of trade goods

Honor Rank

Honor Rank based on Job activity

how to get honor buffs?

You can get higher in Honor ranking for each Z-Job Coin you earn from jobbing (check job system section)

*note: you must earn 10 or more Z-Job coins to get in ranked
*note2: you must create Academy from Storage npc's
*note3" Leave the job will removed your honor buff and your points will be reseted

Honor Ranking will be updated every 1 hour !

Unique Drops

Normal uniques is dropping Mystery Box
Tiger Girl | 1x Mystery Box
Uruchi | 2x Mystery Box
Isyutaru | 3x Mystery Box
Lord Yarkan | 4x Mystery Box
Demon Shaitan | 5x Mystery Box

Auto Equipment

we've implement Auto Equipment system to make it easier plvl in low levels instant of keep dying much.

Auto Equipment system working from Dg:1 Till Dg:8

Silk Per Hour

We've implement Silk Per Hour system in our game to reward you for the time you spend in ZvSRO.

You will get 1 silk for each hour online
Required at least Lv:105 to receive silks
Limited to 1 account per PC based on HWID

Battle Arena

Battle arena will start 8 times / day
it starts every 3 hours , only Random and Point Arena is available

Starting time (Server Time) :

12:00pm (Point)
03:00pm (Random)
06:00pm (Point)
09:00pm (Random)
12:00am (Point)
03:00am (Random)
06:00am (Point)
09:00am (Random)

Arena Rewards:
Win | 5x Mystery Box
Lose | 1x Mystery Box

Fortress War

We've enabled only Jangan Fortress it also starts 1 time / week

Fortress time:
start: Friday at 07:00pm (Server Time)
end: Friday at 08:30pm (Server Time)

Registration Time:
Every day except Friday

Filter Features

PC Limit | 3
Max accounts that can be online based on PC HWID
Job Limit | 1
Max charactes that can wear job suit based on PC HWID
Arena Limit | 1
Max characters that can join battle arena based on PC HWID
Guild Limit | 32
Max Users in 1 guild
Union Limit | 3
Max Guilds in 1 Union
Arena Level | 100
The minimal evel to join Battle arena
The minimal Level to use Global Chatting
Stall Level | 50
The minimal Level to Open a Stall
Reverse Job | Disabled
You cannot use Reverse while jobbing
Res Job | Disabled
You cannot use Res scrolls while jobbing
Exchange Delay | 20 Sec
Between each Exchange Request you have to wait a few seconds
Stall Delay | 20 sec
Between each Stall Open you have to wait a few seconds
Restart/Exit button Delay | 20
Between each Exit/Restart Request you have to wait a few seconds
Global Delay | 60 sec
Between each Global Chatting you send you have to wait a few seconds
Reverse Delay | 60 sec
Between each Reverse Scroll you used you have to wait a few seconds

Homepage: Link
Download: - Link
Register - Link
Facebook Page: Link
Facebook Group : Link

Forum: Link
YouTube: Link

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