ft Bronze Sro | Play2Win | Cap 110 | Long Term Server | Mid Rates | Capture The Flag | Battle Arena | Max Plus | Player Ranking | Free Silk | Start Items | Max Stack | Auto Reward | New Custom Teleports | Honor Buffs | New Quests | New Title Quests | Special Scrolls | Arena Manger Shop | Custom Edits ~ Private Sro

Silkroad Private Servers

Bronze Sro | Play2Win | Cap 110 | Long Term Server | Mid Rates | Capture The Flag | Battle Arena | Max Plus | Player Ranking | Free Silk | Start Items | Max Stack | Auto Reward | New Custom Teleports | Honor Buffs | New Quests | New Title Quests | Special Scrolls | Arena Manger Shop | Custom Edits

Hello guys to Bonze Sro Online if you are searching for play2win server then you are at the right place

Our website is provided with all the useful features.
main ranks for now like best players / guilds and most uniques killers

Simple register / download pages
After you login to our website you will find acc / char panels which will be useful !

also throw char panel you can make Alchemy without being online at the game !!
also you can find new things after you login
at Shop page you can find
like online stall : you can make a stall throw our website
online Shop : it's like item mall

Free Silk
you can find more than a way to get free silk !
Vote4silk (under testing)

also last uniques kills and history you can find it little down at right side of the website

Server is fully Play2win let me explain
1st Char start with :

+ Devil 5% for 7 days

Max Stack :

Auto Reward while you are plvling till lvl 110 every 10 lvls you will get a reward
gold more pages slots coins and silk items

Old School Style * New

New Custom Teleports : ( you can find it at baghdad)
oh yea we have Baghdad working with mobs lv 110

All new avatars / pet uniques added
New Npc's at Alex South for cool goods like new scrolls
also Dg 11 stones
Dg 11 nova items for gold
Dg 11 egy a items for gold + coins

New Honor buffs system by Job * New

- Simply we disabled honor buffs from academy but u can get it from Jobbing

* How to get honor buffs:-
>> System works only inside Job temple
>> All about Thief/Hunter and trader pvping.
>> Every kill = 3 points. That means if you are a thief and killed a hunter you'll receive 3 points with a PM.
>> High points will receive the Full Honor buffs
>> You have a limit to kill 1 player per day [ 3 times to avoid farming or botting ]
>> It'll be restarted every day at 12:00 AM. That means if you got not the honor buffs, it'll be restarted every day. And it'll go to the high points
>> That means Job wars everyday. That means Fun everyday
So simply if you want a honor buffs you must wear your job suit and go out there hunting.
I hope you like this system and make the fun i hoped.

New Quests For VIP ITEMS * New

New 25 Title Quests * New

Stones for Arena coins which you can get from Arena manager also by making plvling you will get it as a reward

also we have more than 10 new uniques for STR int we will add a page at our website for it's places

New mobs with it's drop next to it's name

uniques Places :

All the uniques ( Which drops vip prem / devil etc can teleport to them throw here every unique alone at his room

new Goods npc

Uniques Titan Room you Can teleport to this Room From Hotan
to kill titan uniques and plvl faster

So What's Special At our server :S
you can Get any thing at game without donate because our System is full play2 win

How to Get Fight (Egy B) Weapons or Shield :
you have to get the eight Cards from FGW and make Quest to get Egy b as a reward

How To Get Set immortality (Egy B) :
You will find The Set Dead at Arena manger shop then you will have to attack mops to get Awaking items and Awaking Stone at Item Mall

Important Drops:
Gold Coin Drop From Holy Water Temple And Job Cave Uniques
Silk Coin Drop From Normal Uniques,Karkadnn,Khulood And Roc
Silver Coin Drop At Job Cave
Arena Coin Drop From All Alex Mobs

We have more than 9x Auto events working per day
question and answer
Lucky global
Last man standing
Gold lottery
Job war
Job uniques
Lucky Party Matching *New

we have no donate even silk or item everything you can get it from your hard playing not by donate
Also we accept any good idea that can help our Server

Server is online from 11-02-2018

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