God's passage to the best gaming experience
5th of April, 2015 [Odine-Online Running Beta]
Partition #1 | Servers Information
Ventrue-Online l 110 cap
Partition #1 | Basic Information
Information Amount
Cap 110
Degree 11
Races CHN & EU
Server files VSRO 1.188
Slots 500
Fortress Hotan Only
Fortress Twice a week
Tax >0% Only
Academy Buffs Disabled
Bot Allowed
Protection Included
Partition #2 | Server Rates
Experience | Rate 30x
Exp rate is not too high and not too low, it is the most
appropriate exp rate. It doesn't take ages to level up to the
maximum level. But in the other hand you can't reach the
maximum level in just 1-2 hours as well.
Skill points experience | Rate 30x appropriate exp rate. It doesn't take ages to level up to the
maximum level. But in the other hand you can't reach the
maximum level in just 1-2 hours as well.
This sp experience rate is high enough to help you level
up with small gap, we're also giving 1m sp on the start of
the game, so you will really not have to worry about being
Full Farmed when reaching 110.
Gold drop | Rate 3 xup with small gap, we're also giving 1m sp on the start of
the game, so you will really not have to worry about being
Full Farmed when reaching 110.
A good gold drop rate to help you get enough gold to be
able to buy equipment from npc and other important things
such as pots/pills etc. We made gold drop rate pretty low
because trades are important.
Drop | Rate 15 x able to buy equipment from npc and other important things
such as pots/pills etc. We made gold drop rate pretty low
because trades are important.
Our drop rate promises to not let you down. Its not the
rate that will give you everything you were expecting to have
in just a day, but it won't disappoint you as well!
Trade | Rate 2 x rate that will give you everything you were expecting to have
in just a day, but it won't disappoint you as well!
We've completely changed the trade rewards. Its like we're
forcing you to make trades.
Alchemy | Rate 1 x forcing you to make trades.
The most appropriate alchemy rate. It is difficult enough to
keep you trying your equipment and not reach a satisfying
plus value in a small amount of tries. It won't drive you mad
as well since its not being that terrible as well.
also from +1 to +4 success rate is 100%.
Keep in mind that premium, lucky stones and lucky avatar
will give you more possibilities to success.
keep you trying your equipment and not reach a satisfying
plus value in a small amount of tries. It won't drive you mad
as well since its not being that terrible as well.
also from +1 to +4 success rate is 100%.
Keep in mind that premium, lucky stones and lucky avatar
will give you more possibilities to success.
Partition #3 | Features
Devil Spirit alchemy system a system which enables you to adjust your devil spirit using those stones
they are for extra mana,extra health,extra damage on uniques and also extra blocking rate.
The Red Stone [ Devil's Spirit magic stone ]
It gives you more extra damage on uniques.
The Purple Jewel [ Sabakun's Jewel ]
It upgrade devil spirit [ devil elixir ].
Powerful start items
There's a powerful start items. which help you to reach max level as soon as possible
5 damage absorption/Increase Scroll
1 Avatar [ 2 Magic Options ]
20 Movement speed scrolls
10 Reverse Return scrolls
1 Monkey ability pet (3D)
10 Fast Return scrolls
20 Hwan scrolls [Zerk]
1 Devil Spirit (7D)
1 Wolf Attack pet
20 Return scrolls
1000 HP / MP
10 Million Gold
1 Million Skill Point
3 Pages Inventory
Automatic Title System
Top Unique killer will get a Unique Champion title.
Top Honor rank will get a Honor Champion title.
It Refresh every Friday 3:00 PM CET
You will start to get silk per hour when you get level 110
all low levels chars won't get any silk per hour
Carring backup
There is automatic backup system each 5 minutes which automatically uploaded on our specific ftp server.
to prevent the lose-items / rollback just like the all other servers went to.
12 times per day. every 2 hours
-Who doesn't like CTF? We think everyone does, thats the
reason we have enabled it. From ctf you will receive ice trophy, will give further information later on.
Battle Arena
you will receive arena coins from it
24 times per day. every 1 hour "Different Type Arenas" 24hrs a day! & more
Max Plus +14
Magic Cube removed
Guild & Union Emblem Working
Trade disabled at Alexandria to avoid cheating
Honor buffs removed but the auto title system still working
Partition #4 | Advanced Features
Job war rewarding system
Kill to reach | Trade contribution
1.Kill to reach: Improving the job war system wasn't that easy for SRO.
but now, we have improved it a lil bit. killing uniques and having fun
will be such a good thing to do.
Moreover, there's some good inserted fun in this one..
Earn a job coins for each quest you will complete! (Ofc its limited.)
2.Trade contribution: Each trade run is epic.. but you'd wonder if there's any other reward
than just a gold.. Don't worry!! You'll earn some job coins. [ 15 job coins ]
(3 Star required / char level 110).
This system keeps the server active with job wars and trade runs,
also you can buy much more items.
Kill to gain silk
Every unique you kill you gain silk
Uunique Reward
Tiger Girl 1
Cerberus 2
Captain Ivy 2
Uruchi 3
Isyutaru 4
Lord Yarkan 5
Demon Shaitan 5
Titan's 1
Medusa 5
Soso 5
White Knight Lv 100 5
Senior General Lv 100 5
Rage Cloud Lv 100 5
Princess Miyene Lv 100 5
Battle Golem Lv 100 5
Kidemonas 5
Isis 5
Anubis 5
Neith 5
Selket 5
Job Uniques 5
Lottery system
Oh, it's ordinary.. but it's not here. Our lottery system is other way to get job coin
so it makes sure you will enjoy every single opportunity in our server as well as you shall know.
This npc is located in jangan and Alexandria
1. Ventrue Shop [ Jangan ]
It sell stones / forgotten world dimension / title scrolls
uniques scrolls / old job suit for Chinese
also it have new quests for job coin and zerk scrolls
Magic stone
Attribute stone
2. Job Coin Shop [ Alexandria ]
It sell Items for Job Coin
special avatar / devil s / fellow pet / premium 10%
devil stones [ Devil's Spirit magic stone - Sabakun's Jewel ] and more..
Job coin items
New Area
In Jangan town, there are many teleports which are really got some profit for player himself.
Which makes the game play easier and more funny than have ever been.
You shall set back and enjoy the new teleports & new area.
1. New Job Area [ Colosseum, Desert, Palace ]
you can't teleport If you do not wearing a job suit.
A. Colosseum
B. Desert
C. Palace
2. Event Arena & Unique Arena & New Teleports
A. Event Arena
B. Unique Arena
C. New Teleports
New Uniques
There is new uniques drop some special items
1. The 5 Uniques
level 100 uniques, drop immortal & coins & global.
1. Rage cloud
Location : Jangan
2. White Knight
Location : Jangan
3. Battle Golem
Location : Constantinople
4. Princess Miyene
Location : Hotan
5. Senior General
Location : Donwhang
the red point is the spawn spot
2. Job Uniques
11 Unique level 110 which drop job coin
also some new quests ask to kill some of them
Updating Images
3. Kidemonas
Unique level 110 drop immortal & coins & global with better rate.
Location : Unique Arena [ Teleport from jangan ]
Working Events
Our Events Managers are offering you a bunch of amazing events
which keeps the game fresh and keeps you entertained.
Rise of The Uniques
Events Managers will spawn alot of uniques in game
The one who kills Over Powered or strong Uniques
will get a reward he and his party members.
Search and Destroy
Event Managers will spawn a unique at a location
they will give you some hints and you have to find out where
the unique is.
Trivia Event
Our Event Managers will ask some questions
and you will have to reply in globals.
Hide and Seek Event
Our Event Managers will hide in some where around the map
give you hints and you will have to find them.
Alchemy Event
Our Events Managers will ask for a random weapon or set piece
they will state the degree and + they want
first one to deliver the stated piece will win.
PVP Event
the pvp Event will be held every 2 weeks
Every race got its own event.
Partition #5 | Special Features
Forgotten World Time Reset
you don't have to wait 5 hours between every forgotten world anymore
Forgotten world time reseter can found in item mall
Pet with 4 pages
You may forgot that pets have 4 pages because most of the
servers are just enabling 1 pet page. We proudly inform you
that the pets on ventrue will have 4 pages of inventory so you will never feel full!
Stall limit 500b
New Quests
There is new quests which gives you [ job coin, hwan scroll or job lottery ]
you will find them on venture shop [ jangan ]
NPC Items
Sun Items +7 in NPC's From Degree 1 To Degree 9
Also weapons degree 10 sos +5
Angel Spirit
We've added angel spirit to item mall for 250 silk only.
New glows
We've change the plus glows to better glows
Lately glows on several servers have been
edited to a level that makes you sick, we think everyone
will like our new glows..
Max Stack
Also Vigor & Speed Drug & many other items have high max stack
Partition #6 | Simple Features
Server specifications
Ram 24GB
DDos Protection ☑
Internet Down/Up link 1Gb/s
Location Lenoir, North Carolina, USA.
Processor Intel Xeon L5420 2.50GHz [2 Processors]
Language Support
Language Availability
English ☑
Arabic ☑
Spanish ☐
Portuguese ☐
Dutch ☐
Turkish ☐
German ☐
Romanian ☐
Fortress time
- From Thursday 07:00 PM CET -End-> Saturday 07:00 PM CET
- From Sunday 07:00 PM CET -End-> Tuesday 07:00 PM CET
- From Saturday 09:30 PM CET -End-> Monday 09:30 PM CET
- From Tuesday 09:30 PM CET -End-> Thursday 09:30 PM CET
Fortress [ Hotan Only ]
- Saturday 7:30 PM CET
- Tuesday 7:30 PM CET
Odine-Online l 120 cap
Partition #1 | Basic Information
Information Amount
Cap 120
Degree 12
Races CHN & EU
Server files VSRO 1.188
Slots 1000
Fortress Hotan & Jangan
Fortress Twice a week
Tax >0% Only
Academy Buffs Disabled
IP Limit 3
Bot Allowed
Protection Included
Partition #2 | Server Rates
Experience | Rate 10x
Exp rate is low, it is the most
appropriate exp rate for 120 cap server. It doesn't take ages to level up to the maximum level. But in the other hand you can't reach the
maximum level in just 1-2 days as well.
Skill points experience | Rate 10x appropriate exp rate for 120 cap server. It doesn't take ages to level up to the maximum level. But in the other hand you can't reach the
maximum level in just 1-2 days as well.
This sp experience rate is high enough to help you level
up with small gap, we're also giving 1m sp on the start of
the game, so you will really not have to worry about being
Full Farmed when reaching 120.
Gold drop | Rate 0.6 xup with small gap, we're also giving 1m sp on the start of
the game, so you will really not have to worry about being
Full Farmed when reaching 120.
A good gold drop rate to help you get enough gold to be
able to buy equipment from npc and other important things
such as pots/pills etc. We made gold drop rate pretty low
because trades are important.
Drop | Rate 3 x able to buy equipment from npc and other important things
such as pots/pills etc. We made gold drop rate pretty low
because trades are important.
Our drop rate promises to not let you down. Its not the
rate that will give you everything you were expecting to have
in just a day, but it won't disappoint you as well!
Trade | Rate 2 x rate that will give you everything you were expecting to have
in just a day, but it won't disappoint you as well!
We've completely changed the trade rate. Its like we're
forcing you to make trades.
Alchemy | Rate 1 x forcing you to make trades.
The most appropriate alchemy rate. It is difficult enough to
keep you trying your equipment and not reach a satisfying
plus value in a small amount of tries. It won't drive you mad
as well since its not being that terrible as well.
also success rate is:-
Plus Rate
+1 100%
+2 90%
+3 80%
+4 70%
+5 30%
+6 25%
+7 20%
+8 15%
+9 6%
+10 2%
+11 1%
+12 1%
+13 1%
Keep in mind that premium, lucky stones and lucky avatar
will give you more possibilities to success.
Partition #3 | Features
Devil Spirit alchemy system
a system which enables you to adjust your devil spirit using those stones
they are for extra mana,extra health,extra damage on uniques and also extra blocking rate.
The Red Stone [ Devil's Spirit magic stone ]
It gives you more extra damage on uniques.
The Purple Jewel [ Sabakun's Jewel ]
It upgrade devil spirit [ devil elixir ].
Powerful start items
There's a powerful start items. which help you to reach max level as soon as possible
5 damage absorption/Increase Scroll
1 Avatar [ 2 Magic Options ]
20 Movement speed scrolls
10 Reverse Return scrolls
1 Monkey ability pet (3D)
10 Fast Return scrolls
20 Hwan scrolls [Zerk]
1 Devil Spirit (7D)
1 Wolf Attack pet
20 Return scrolls
1000 HP / MP
10 Million Gold
1 Million Skill Point
1 Page Inventory
Automatic Title System
Top Uniques killer will get a Unique Champion title.
Top Honor rank will get a Honor Champion title.
It refresh every Friday 3:00 PM CET
You will start to get silk per hour when you get level 120
all low levels chars won't get any silk per hour
Carring backup
There is automatic backup system each 5 minutes which automactilly uploaded on our specific ftp server.
to prevent the lose-items / rollback just like the all other servers went to.
12 times per day. every 2 hours
-Who doesn't like CTF? We think everyone does, thats the
reason we have enabled it. From ctf you will receive arena coin, will give further information later on.
Battle Arena
you will receive arena coins from it
24 times per day. every 1 hour "Different Type Arenas" 24hrs a day! & more
Max Plus +15
Magic Cube removed
Guild & Union Emblem Working
Trade disabled at Alexandria to avoid cheating
Honor buffs removed but the auto title system still working
Global Delay
We've added 5 seconds delay to globals to avoid spam
also it require level 120 to use globals
Happy Event
We've added new so-ok event beside capture the flag,
Happy event, which will give you more fun
you can get free avatars, scrolls from it
Https Connection
We're using Automatic Events with schedule time
Partition #4 | Advanced Features
Coin system
1.Arena Coin: Improving the coin system wasn't that easy for SRO.
but now, we have improved it a little bit. killing uniques and having fun will be such a good thing to do.
Moreover, there's some good inserted fun in this one. Collect Arena coin by killing [ Isis, Anubis, Neith, Selket ]
Earn a arena coins for each so-ok capture the flag event you will complete!
Arena Coins is used to buy seal of sun accessory set degree 12, Talisman dead card and much more items.
2.Odine Coin: killing holy water temple uniques & finishing quests is epic.. but you'd wonder if there's any other reward
than just a gold.. Don't worry!! You'll earn some odine coins.
This system keeps the server active with quests and uniques killing,
also you can buy honor buffs, Devil's spirit magicstone and Sabakun's jewel for odine coins and much more items.
3.Gold Coin: as usually you will get Gold coin from Job temple uniques.. but we changed this uniques location to be outside job temple,
4 Uniques [ Isis - Anubis - Neith - Selket ] has a 30% chance to drop Gold coin
also you can buy sun items for gold coins and much more items.
4.Silver Coin: as usually you will get Silver coin from Job temple uniques.. but we changed this uniques location to be outside job temple,
4 Uniques [ Isis - Anubis - Neith - Selket ] has a 50% chance to drop Silver coin
also you can buy Advanced Elixir and much more items.
Awaken / Element System
We've added only one way to get Seal Of Sun Degree 12 " Weapon "
You will buy the 8 talisman dead card from Odine's Advanced Shop
For 500 Million Gold, 25 Gold Coin, 25 Arena Coin Each
Then you have to revive this dead card using Manufacture tap " Alchemy "
You will need 1000 Odine's Glass, Odine's Red Crystal, Odine's Powder and 1 Odine's Flame
to revive each dead card
You can get Odine's Glass, Odine's Red Crystal, Odine's Powder from all jupiter monsters level 115+
You can get Odine's Flame from all jupiter uniques
After reviving the talismans use them " collection book " then complete - The Sea of Resentment Collection - from Governor Senmute ( Alexandria South )
Choose your weapon and congratulations.
Odine Coin System
We've added new coin " Odine Coin "
1. Chinese Skills
A. Bicheon
B. Heuksal
C. Pacheon
D. Cold
E. Lightning
F. Fire
G. Force
2. Europe Skills
A. Warrior
B. Rouge
C. Wizard
D. Warlock
E. Bard
F. Cleric
Kill to gain silk
Every unique you kill you gain silk
Uunique Reward
Tiger Girl 1
Cerberus 2
Captain Ivy 2
Uruchi 3
Isyutaru 4
Lord Yarkan 5
Demon Shaitan 5
Titan's 1
Medusa 5
Soso 5
Kidemonas 5
Isis 5
Anubis 5
Neith 5
Selket 5
Jupiter Uniques 5
This npc's is located in jangan
1. Odine's Extra Shop
It sell items for Odine Coin
Honor buffs - Devil's Spirit magic stone - Sabakun's Jewel
HP/MP Increase 4100 / Steampunk Avatar [Changeable]
Items |
It sell Items for Silk /Gold
Avatars Dress - Hat - Attach
Magic Stone - Attribute Sonte
Avatar Hat
Avatar Attach
3. Odine's Prot/Acc Shop
It sell Protector / Accessory for Gold Coin and Gold
Armor - Protector - Garment - Accessory
Heavy - Light - Robe - Accessory
Light Armor
4. Odine's Advanced Shop
It sell Talisman Dead Cards
Stats reset scroll - Uniques scroll
Skill point scroll - Advanced Elixir - Title scroll
New Area
In Jangan town, there are many teleports which are really got some profit for player himself.
Which makes the game play easier and more funny than have ever been.
You shall set back and enjoy the new teleports & new area.
1. Jupiter
A. Jupiter Gate
B. Mirror Dimension
C. Mirror Dimension
D. Gate Inside Jupiter
E. Unique Rooms
F. Unique Rooms
G. Unique Rooms
H. Unique Rooms
2. Event Arena & Unique Arena & New Teleports
A. Event Arena
B. Pvp Arena
New Uniques
There is new uniques drop some special items
1. Jupiter Temple Uniques
level 115+ uniques, drop Odine's Flame.
1. Jupiter
Location : Jupiter - Jupiter's Room
2. Babilion
Location : Jupiter - Jupiter's Room
3. Yuno
Location : Jupiter - Yuno's Room
4. Zielkiaxe
Location : Jupiter - Yuno's Room
5. The Earth
Location : Jupiter - The Earth's Room
6. Baal
Location : Jupiter - The Earth's Room
2. Job Temple Uniques
4 Unique level 120 which drop Silver Coin - Gold Coin - Arena Coin
also some new quests ask to kill some of them
1. Isis [ Lvl 120 ]
2. Anubis [ Lvl 120 ]
3. Neith [ Lvl 120 ]
4. Selket [ Lvl 120 ]
Locations :
Working Events
Our Events Managers & Automatic are offering you a bunch of amazing events
which keeps the game fresh and keeps you entertained.
Rise of The Uniques
Events Managers will spawn alot of uniques in game
The one who kills Over Powered or strong Uniques
will get a reward he and his party members.
Search and Destroy
Event Managers will spawn a unique at a location
they will give you some hints and you have to find out where
the unique is.
Trivia Event
Our Event Managers will ask some questions
and you will have to reply in globals.
Hide and Seek Event
Our Event Managers will hide in some where around the map
give you hints and you will have to find them.
Alchemy Event
Our Events Managers will ask for a random weapon or set piece
they will state the degree and + they want
first one to deliver the stated piece will win.
PVP Event
the pvp Event will be held every 2 weeks
Every race got its own event.
Partition #5 | Special Features
Pet with 3 pages
You may forgot that pets have 3 pages because most of the
servers are just enabling 1 pet page. We proudly inform you
that the pets on ventrue will have 3 pages of inventory so you will never feel full!
Stall limit 500b
New Quests
There is new quests which gives you [ Odine's Glass, Odine's Red Crystal, Odine's Powder, Odine's Flame, Odine Coin ]
you will find them on Odine's Extra Shop [ jangan ]
VIP User
Usually immortal stone degree 12 is un trade-able
Only VIP users can change their immortal stones to be trade-able
also VIP users get " Very Important Player " title + special avatar
Only VIP Users can rent our forum banner to advertise about their guild/union
They get premium membership in our forums, also they get 24/7 assistant support
Prices : Not avaliable at the moment
Angel Spirit
We've added angel spirit to item mall for 250 silk only.
New glows
We've change the plus glows to better glows
Lately glows on several servers have been
edited to a level that makes you sick, we think everyone
will like our new glows..
Photo's upcoming
Max Stack
Also Vigor & Speed Drug & many other items have high max stack
Partition #6 | Simple Features
Server specifications
Ram 48GB
DDos Protection ☑
Internet Down/Up link 1Gb/s
Location Europe
Processor Intel® Core i7-920 Quad-Core
Language Support
Language Availability
English ☑
Arabic ☑
Spanish ☐
Portuguese ☐
Dutch ☐
Turkish ☐
German ☐
Romanian ☐
Fortress time
- From Thursday 07:00 PM CET -End-> Saturday 07:00 PM CET
- From Sunday 07:00 PM CET -End-> Tuesday 07:00 PM CET
- From Saturday 09:30 PM CET -End-> Monday 09:30 PM CET
- From Tuesday 09:30 PM CET -End-> Thursday 09:30 PM CET
Fortress [ Hotan Only ]
- Saturday 7:30 PM CET
- Tuesday 7:30 PM CET
Thread is not completely done
In game rules
Bot Rules :
start your bot in allowed places only
Location Bot Allowed
Jangan Yes
Donwhang Yes
Hotan Yes
Samarkand Yes
Constantinople Yes
Alexandria Yes
Jangan Cave Yes
Donwhang Cave Yes
Fortress Yes
Battle Arena No
Capture the flag No
Jupiter unique rooms No
Job temple uniques No
Punishment up to ban 100 year
Chat Rules :
1. Spam is forbidden
2. Speak English on global's
3. Insult is forbidden
4. ِAdvertising for another servers is forbidden
5. Racism is forbidden
Punishment up to chat block or ban depends on which rules you didn't follow
Server Rules :
1. Job Cheating, Exploiting is forbidden
2. Scamming is forbidden
Read more : Click here
3. Tips to protect your account Click here
Punishment up to ban 100 year
About us
Team Members
All team members speak English
About Ventrue
Ventrue-online is the private server which is modified to give players more fun, more experience. server based on players idea's
we modified the server to be free2play
About Odine
We're a team of professional/experienced guys that promise you the best possible services .As a team we can comfortably tell you that each of us gave his best to make this server the best silkroad experience you will ever have on your silkroad trip. Providing an extremely fun to play server with features you will never forget.
Topic Rule's
- This is an English topic, so all replies must be written in
English. Any replies written in a language other than English
are not welcome.
- No "flaming" or "badgering" -- writing hostile or insulting
messages aimed at other users for their views, comments,
status, or any other reason. You can disagree with someone's
views and still be polite about it.
- No "trolling" -- posting controversial (sometimes off-topic)
messages with the intent of baiting other users to reply.
- No discussions of software piracy, hacking, illegal material,
or linking to these activities will be tolerated.
- Do not post material that is hateful or mean towards race,
religion, sex, or any other offensive nature. You can debate
religion and politics in the WEPR forum, but you can do so
WITHOUT being mean or hateful about it.
- Do not post lewd or offensive content, or links to lewd or
offensive content. Keep everything safe , and remember that
also kids visit the topic.
- No excessive swearing or language. If you're that angry about
something, take a break for a while, or confront the other user
directly instead of in the topic.
- Please do not change the subject. If you want to change the
subject, please start a new message thread.
Feel free to leave any comment/suggestion below.
We really want to hear your voice. Make us Better!
We even accept bad comments another way we
wouldn't believe in democracy.
Your Sincerely,
Odine Gaming Network Team.
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