About EON
EON Online has grown into one of the biggest forum communities in the world. Today, EON Online is the best place on the web to discuss games and fantasy thing you can imagine.
Plus, there are tons of other free features to keep EON Online members permanently amused. EON Online is a one of Silkroad that we have improved and made it test your skills and your abilities to score as many points as possible. You will be rewarded as a prize for winning. In order to make you and everyone else's experience on EON Online a pleasant one, we have designed rules in order to minimize conflict and maximize your enjoyment of the site. EON Online based on Old School and for more entertainment for all the players that will join us.

The most important thing that we care about in EON Online is how much we can afford a competitive game-play that will lead the players to a new way of entertainment and more enjoyable experience of Silkroad and of course, it will be free to play and that’s why it’s play to win not pay to win.
Our Moderators have the authority to enforce such rules and act on behalf of you and EON Online best interests.

Open Beta || 5th of October
EON crew will be there in Beta to follow your suggestions and to make sure that we will be offering a Free bugs/errors system and of course your help will be counted since we will be giving away rewards for the players who will help us in Beta and we will take care of it as fast as we can and clean of bugs or any errors that might face you in Beta and we will be making the changes that players will need as well. We hope that Beta will get a good start for a great server in the future.
Grand opening || 10th of October
Once we have a professional server clean from bugs/errors, we will let you get start a game-play based on entertainment, fun and a fair server. We made this server just for you we will be opening the server and we will get online as soon as possible.

As I said our Cap system will be 100 and this is because we are looking for an Old School server be reminding our dear players of the old memories of Silkroad, we will get it back and we will upgrade new ones in EON with a great and fancy one.
Chinese And Europe, two classes for more interesting and more fun game-play, so we can represent a game will satisfy everyone, and we are not looking for anything more than we are looking for a satisfied community, hope you all having fun with what you have been waiting for.
Simply EON looking for a great server with awesome builds and that's why we are making the Chinese Mastery limit to be 400 and Europe Mastery 200 for a professional and insane game-play. Our hope is for you all to play and enjoy it as much as you can.
Available Towns
Real entertainment will be having all the Old School Towns together, that's why the available Towns will be
- Jangan
- Donwhang
- Hotan
- Samarkand
- Constantinople
Available Fortress War
Since there is no real fun without them and we want to reach the best level of entertainment of Fortress war. The Available Fortress War will be
- Jangan
- Hotan
HWID(PC) Limit
Limits going insane with us HWID got improved to be more fun and to give the ability to open
- 2 Per PC [Normal]
- 1 Per PC [Job]
- 1 Per PC [CTF & BA]
- 1 Per PC [Fortress War]
20x || Medium
For real entertainment and fun, this rates will start in normal mode to be average not too hard or not too easy.
EXP & SP Party
25x || Medium
Those party rates won't be changed a lot but we increased it a little bit to make you guys level up faster.
Normal Item Drop
10x || Low
Sox Item Drop
5x || Very Low
Gold Drop
5x || Very Low
1.5x || Medium
Running around with a high plus will be kind of boring so to make it more enjoyable we made the alchemy rate simple. Put on your mind that
- Premium
- Avatar lucky
- Lucky Stone
Plus Items Rate Devil Rate
1 ~ 4 90% 50%
5 ~ 8 45% 25%
9 ~ 10 15% 5%
First 300 Players Achieving The Max Level
We all know how this system works, but since EON is here, rewards will be going crazy and more special than anything you have seen before.
- Between (001) and (100) will receive 200
- Between (101) and (200) will receive 150
- Between (201) and (300) will receive 100
We promise that EON will be very different from other servers, we will be always ready for all Startup Items and it’ll be special
- 500,000 Skill Point
- 1 Million Gold
- 1000 HP/MP Potion
- 20 100% Speed Scroll
- 20 Instant Return Scroll
- 20 Reverse Return Scroll
- Grab Pet (7 Days)
- Devil Spirit B (7 Days)
- Devil Wing Dress (2 Units Magic Options)

Auto Equipment
Crazy improvements this system got by us making you able to get (+5) Full Blue Seal of Star Items during the level up with a 61% until you reach level 89 to make it more enjoyable for you all.

Free silk
Better than silk/hour, We made a new system will make the players active. You will be able to get silk daily from this ways :
- Ancient Monsters
Dropping silk , read more about it in Ancient Monsters Section - Spinner System (Magic PoP)
You can win silk up to 2500 silk , read more about in Spinner System Section - Random Silk
An scroll giving random silk between 25 ~ 50 - Silk/Hour Event
This event working randomly 1 time per week - Auto Events
Working everyday
Here comes the fun in EON all you have to do is to choose your part in it otherwise you want to be trader, hunter or thief.
Bonus Room Drops

Trade Routes
It's your part to gain some rewards and of course, hunter and trader must do a complete save trade to get the reward and for the thief part well all we have to do is to steal the trade from them if he is looking for the reward as well now let's see who will do better. Trade routes that will be used is the original one from Silkroad since we are looking for an old school server and it will be Jangan to Donwhang, Constantinople to Samarkand and the opposite.
- You can only get reward by completing trades and you won't get reward for more than 70 trades per week
- Being a member in academy system is important and make sure that your level is not less than 90 to be able to use the Trade system
- The reward for each trade will be (3) Job Coin and (5) Honor Point
Trader Hunter Thief
Between 70 ~ 120 Million Between 70 ~ 120 Million Between 70 ~ 120 Million
Job Killing
Meaning of the system explains how it goes so simply all you have to do is killing to get more coins and points but make sure that you understand it. Killing the same character more than 3 times won't get you a reward and of course, you won't be rewarded as well if your killing rate is more than 30 times per day so make sure you understand this.
- You can only get reward by killing enemies and you won't get reward for
killing the same enemy more than 3 times or reaching 30 kills per day - Being a member in academy system is important and make sure that your level is not less than 90 to be able to use the Job Killing system
- The reward for each trade will be (1) Job Coin and (2) Honor Point
- You will receive coins at your storage
Honor Buffs
This system work with both of Job killing and Trading system so simply. Mix from both of them.
- Your level has to be higher than 90 and of course to be a member of the academy system and you can easily register to it from any storage.
Job Suits
Job suits got improved to look better and fancier and we won't stop in this because in every update for EON we will be adding more and so that you will be able to get more STR & INT and increase your damage from this Job suits, try it out and you won't regret.

Spinner System (Magic PoP)
Play2win is not a advertising word we say or use in our videos it's a word of honor that make us try our best to make sure that everyone is enjoying EON and that's why we changed this system to useful for the players and that means that now he can get silk from it and this will in the case that he won but for sure he will get the number of silk he choose it from the beginning for example
- 50 Silk
- 100 Silk
- 500 Silk
- 1000 Silk
- 2500 Silk

How you can get Spinner Card ?
You can get it from Random EON Box.

How you can get Random EON Box ?
You can get it from the following ways:
- Jupiter Uniques
- Forgotten World Treasure Box & Boss Unique
- Ancient Monsters

Item Balancing
Changed to be a completely new system since we made it fairer by making Sox equipment's worth to get hope you enjoy it as much you can.
- Seal of star = Last tier [+3]
- Seal of moon = Seal of star [+3]
- Seal of sun = Seal of moon [+3]
How to get?
- Seal of star drop from monsters Lv. 90~ 100
- Seal of moon (Weapon/Shield) from Forgotten world, read more about it in Forgotten world section
- Seal of moon (Protector/Accessory) from Random Moon Box
- Seal of sun (Coming Soon)

Skill Balancing
We had to make some balance changes in order to make all classes competitive.
Lightning Chain
Increased debuff probability to 35% (from 20% to 35%)
Thousand Army Chain
Increased debuff probability to 35% (from 20% to 35%)
(New Skill) Power Of Bicheon
Increased physical/magical attack 15% | Increased debuff resistance probability 15%
Windless Spear
Increased dull probability to 20% (from 10% to 20%)
Death Bringer Spear
Increased dull probability to 20% (from 12% to 20%)
(New Skill) Power Of Bicheon
Increased physical/magical attack 15% | Increased debuff resistance probability 15%
Anti Devil Bow - Strike
Increased critical to 40 (from 35 to 40)
Anti Devil Bow - Annihilate
Increased critical to 45 (from 40 to 45)
Strong Bow - Will
Increased critical to 20 (from 15 to 20) | Increased stun probability to 35% (from 30% to 35%)
(New Skill) Power Of Bicheon
Increased physical/magical attack 15% | Increased debuff resistance probability 15%
- Nothing changed
Force Cure
Sharing cool down | Increased cool down to 30 seconds (from 3 seconds to 30 seconds)
Cure Therapy
Sharing cool down | Increased cool down to 30 seconds (from 3 seconds to 30 seconds)
Sprint Assault
Decreased knock-back probability to 50% (from 72% to 50%)
Turn Rising
Decreased knock-down probability to 40% (from 50% to 40%)
Dare devil
Decreased knock-back probability to 25% (from 30% to 25%)
Shield Trash
Decreased knock-back probability to 40% (from 80% to 40%)
Shield Crush
Decreased knock-back probability to 40% (from 80% to 40%)
Crossbow Extreme
Decreased physical damage to 65% (from 75% to 65%)
Dagger Desperate
Decreased physical damage to 65% (from 75% to 65%)
- Nothing changed
Decreased Physical/Magical damage return ratio to 75% (from 120% to 75%)
Physical Raze/Ravage
Decreased probability to 50% (from 80% to 50%) | Increased cooldown to 20 seconds (from 1 second to 20 seconds)
Medical Raze/Ravage
Decreased probability to 50% (from 80% to 50%) | Increased cool down to 20 seconds (from 1 second to 20 seconds)
Combat Raze/Ravage
Decreased probability to 50% (from 80% to 50%) | Increased cool down to 20 seconds (from 1 second to 20 seconds)
Courage Raze/Ravage
Decreased probability to 50% (from 80% to 50%) | Increased cool down to 20 seconds (from 1 second to 20 seconds)
- Nothing changed
Healing / Healing Breath
Sharing cool down | Increased cool down to 20 seconds (from 1 second to 20 seconds)
Innocent / Integrity
Sharing cool down | Increased cool down to 20 seconds (from 7 second to 20 seconds)
Healing Cycle / Healing Orbit
Sharing cool down | Increased cool down to 20 seconds (from 1 second to 20 seconds)
Group Healing / Group Healing Breath / Healing Division / Healing Favor
Sharing cool down | Increased cool down to 20 seconds (from 3 second to 20 seconds)
Bless Spell
Increased cool down to 300 seconds (from 120 seconds to 300 seconds)
Recovery / Group Recovery / Holy Recovery / Group Holy Recovery
Sharing cool down | Increased cool down to 20 seconds (from 5 second to 20 seconds)
Reverse Oblation / Reverse Immolation
Decreased duration to 30 seconds (from 120 seconds to 30 seconds) | Increased cool down to 120 seconds (from 1 second to 120 seconds)
Offering / Offering Pure
Increased cool down to 300 seconds (from 60 seconds to 300 seconds)
Holy Word / Holy Spell
Decreased debuff resistance probability to 40%
You will be having a great adventure there and you will be able to get talisman card, all you need to do is to hunt some Monsters/Unique's to get.
How to get Dimensions Holes ?
You can only get Dimensions Holes from EON Shop
Completing FGW Collection
Reward will be 1 weapon from seal of moon.
Talismans Drop Rate
Talisman Cards 5x from boxes and 2x from boss unique.
Seal of Moon Shield Drop Rate
Seal of Moon Shield 0.5x from boss unique.

Cave Of Downhang
We removed Lv.60 ~ 70 Monsters from Downhang cave to Add Lv.80 ~ 90 Monsters from Jangan Cave.

Mirror Dimension
A new area been upgraded since Jangan cave has some problems like far distance we decided to open this area and put monsters between level 91-100, this monsters will drop monsters coin and you can enter this area if you are level 90 or above only.
Monster Drops

Ancient Monsters
Yes like you just read a special monster with a special effects will be waiting for you in the whole mirror dimension, by the way the monster will drop 1 silk by 100% so make sure to take a look there.
Ancient Monsters Drops

Holy Water Temple (Bonus Room)
We have changed this system so that everyone can join it and it's not going to be only for parties, it will be similar to the other area. We opened three rooms from it and we called it a bonus room and it will be like the following :
Bonus room (General)
Bonus room (Champion)
Bonus room (Elite)
There are many quests for this rooms to collect Coins and Gold as a bonus
Bonus Room Drops

Unique's System
Added Jupiter unique's and make it fit cap 100. This unique's will be at Mirror Dimension and it will drop immortal/astral stones. Killing Jupiter / Normal unique's will give you the chance to get an amazing title and it will help you to increase your damage while zerking by 10% but you won't get this title only if you are the top one in Hunting Uniques.
Appearing Time
Normal unique's appearing between 1 ~ 3 hours
Jupiter unique's appearing between 2 ~ 4 hours
Normal Unique's Drops

Jupiter Unique's Drops

EON Shop
Since some items are very important and hard to find we wanted to put in the best NPC in EON to make it more easy to find and save you time and of course to make you more comfortable now item's like :
Random Boxes
Immortal/Astral Stones
New Special Stones
FGW Dimensions
can be easily found in EON Shop. You can buy it by gold and it will include monster , Honor and Job coins as well.

Avatar Shop
All Original Silkroad avatars have been added and more than that as well, we have been improving avatar shop's by adding more special avatar's and you can simply find it at item mall or any other avatar shop.

Titles Shop
Now you are able to increase your damage while zerking by 5% when you use any of the titles. We added 125 new title's for our dear players enjoy it
Item Mall
Simply this shop will be offering original Silkroad items and it won't include any other item's like you usually meet in other server and that because we want to get a server with an Old School Silkroad style.
(Coming Soon)
GEM System
EON promised you all to be special and in the order to do that we came up with this new system that will increase the character size to make it look more cool and of course the buff will going to be special as well and you can get all this by having one scroll.
Scroll Duration
30 minutes

Luxury Global
Of course it will be different from the normal Global Chatting. Luxury Global appearing with new style to all players and it's have pretty look.

Donate Scroll
A new scroll we made for our precious Donators that will make them able to get more silk. For example you will buy a 100 silk all you have to do is using that scroll before buying and the system will automatically add the percentage of the extra silk you will be getting from the scroll and this scroll can give you extra silk by

How you can get Donate Scroll ?
You can get it from the following ways:
- Jupiter Uniques
- Forgotten World Treasure Box & Boss Unique
- Ancient Monsters
Real fun comes with real guilds discount system this simply will be discount for real guild members to make them able to get a 20% offer on silks they going to buy but make sure that your guild will be full with a 32 real members and to get the offer you easily contact us on Facebook page or discord hope you all enjoy it and good luck building the guilds.

Unique Target
Useful feature , that's making it easier for other players to know who is attacked by unique

AFK Bubbles
Bubbles will appear on your character If you didn't move for more than 5 minutes

Character Name Color
Now you can change your Character Name Color.
- Green Yellow
- MediumAquaMarine
- Olive

Title Storage
If you are wonder about losing your old Title that you have when you get new Title, just don't worry because it's already saved in our database. You can check your titles by writing /titles then choose TitleID and write /settitle TitleID
Anti Hack System
We want all players to be more protective from any scammer or any hacker, so simply we come out with this system that will be protecting for your account from anything you might face and this is just to make sure that you all trust us and of course to avoid any kind of account problems and trust me since we all know that security is important we want to make an easy system that will help you to protect your items in your account and lock it as well. Just in case you have any scammer or any hacker issues problem. This system might be unuseful to some of you but since a lot of players been had those problems in other server's before, we won't let this happen again in EON, because we want to offer a 100% secured server will be satisfying all the players and you don't have to be worried at all from anything with us, our system will be working in a different ways, choose the one that comfort you and use it or you can just use them all it's made for you after all.
- First Level (Item)
will make you able to lock one item.- To use this level you need to type in All Chat : /lockitem Slot Number, PIN Code
- To unlock This level Type in All Chat : /unlockitem Slot Number, PIN Code
- Second Level (Inventory)
will make you able to lock everything inside your inventory.- To use this level you need to type in All Chat : /lockinventory PIN Code
- To unlock This level Type in All Chat : /unlockinventory PIN Code
- Third Level (Storage)
will make you able to lock everything inside your storage.- To use this level you need to type in All Chat : /lockstorage PIN Code
- To unlock This level Type in All Chat : /unlockstorage PIN Code
- Buy or sell
- Add blues in avatar
- Use global
- Use guild storage
- Drop item or gold
- Plus items or use stones
- Accept, request, approve exchange
- Open stall
Game Commands
Just write /commands and our bot system will show you all available commands with description.
Facebook Event
Sharing our posts on Facebook will be a great support for EON. We are looking for a good population for the server and we all know how much important that is and of course every supporter will get a reward from us.
1st Share Event
Participate in our first share event for a chance to win silk!
We will pick 5 winners and reward them with [1000] Silk.
All you have to do is follow the steps below.
- Like Eon Facebook Page
- Share This Post
- Tag 4 of your friends who playing Silkroad and write your character name with the same comment.
Participate in our second share event for a chance to win silk!
We will pick 5 winners and reward them with [500] Silk.
All you have to do is follow the steps below.
- Like Eon Facebook Page
- Share This Post
- Tag 4 of your friends who playing Silkroad and write your character name at the same comment.
Participate in our third share event for a chance to win silk!
We will pick 5 winners and reward them with [2000] Silk.
All you have to do is follow the steps below.
- Like Eon Facebook Page
- Share This Post
- Tag 4 of your friends who playing Silkroad and write your character name at the same comment.
- Trivia Event
- Kill The GM Event.
- Hide & Seek Event.
- Lucky Party Number Event.
- Alchemy Event
- PvP War Event
- Job War Event
The used site on Beta will change in the grand opening but any account will be made in Beta won't be deleted and you can use it in the grand opening so don't worry about that. The website will include download and register page.
Main site
The main site will be used in grand opening and it will include the following options so check it out.
- Account Panel
System works by a timer on our website and it helps the user to lock his account or change his (Password & Secret code) by it and of course no one will be able to open the account not even the user til the time that he chose is finished but in case he wants to open before that he can only message our admins in facebook page and they will help him to do that.
- Ranking
Top ranking players will be shown in EON website by this system to make EON more competitive and of course to make you able to know your own rank.
- Searching Character/Guild
Searching for any character or Guild will be more easy by using this system that will help you to that.
- Character Lookup
The system makes you able to show any character information in EON like (Level, Job Type, Status, Guild, etc) & items or anything he has like (Avatar, Flag) .
- Guild Lookup
The system makes you able to show any Guild in EON and will make able to know the members in it and the master that lead it as well.

Official Trailer
EON Teaser - Made by Pop


Links below will be the only official for EON Online and any other links will be totally fake, so please make sure that you click on the links below only. If you enter any other links you might get scammed, so we hope that you are aware of it.
Homepage: Link
Download: - Link
Register - Link
Facebook Page: Link
Facebook Group : Link
Forum: Link
YouTube: Link
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