ft Valtyr | Cap 80 | D8 | Chinese Only | Old School | Max Plus | Free Silk/Hour | Capture The Flag | Battle Arena | Auto Events | Auto Equipment | Custom Scrolls | Valtyr Happy Box | Job Reward Scroll | New Uniques | Bot System | Top Ranking | Custom Edits ~ Private Sro

Silkroad Private Servers

Valtyr | Cap 80 | D8 | Chinese Only | Old School | Max Plus | Free Silk/Hour | Capture The Flag | Battle Arena | Auto Events | Auto Equipment | Custom Scrolls | Valtyr Happy Box | Job Reward Scroll | New Uniques | Bot System | Top Ranking | Custom Edits

Valtyr is a new private server where you will retrieve your old memories and the most fun. It's cap 80, we think it's the best cap that we met in silkroad. Also, almost of players lived in it more time. We hope to offer you an active and friendly community. We really miss this old days and You will find that in Valtyr! We built this server to provide you an original, exciting and fair game-play. We were working hard to bring this old memories to all silkroad players, we decided to announce Valtyr today. We will offer the old world of silkroad which is more enjoyable and exciting in Valtyr. We didn't change our game-play a lot but we improved our game-play only!
Give us the pleasure and join Valtyr! So, don't miss it..!

Valtyr objective:
Our objective is to be cooperative with you and offer you the most fun and exciting server and go back to real old school. Also, we hope to offer you the most enjoyable server as you need. We hope to provide you all what you need and the fastest response.

Our Target:
We are really here to offer you a long term server so you can get some real fun. We are not like the other servers that close their servers after 2 weeks. We know most of the private servers that announced this days are dying in a short time. But in Valtyr You won't find that! We are offering you a stable server with a mature community and there you will find the original silkroad content but with some changes!

Main targets:
Long term
Fair game-play
Ethical management
An active & friendly community

Basic information:

Starter package:
We provide you a good package for starting your adventure! You can now retrieve your old memories.
Simple modifications:
Server Team:
  • [GM]Andreas
  • [GM]TheFastOne
  • [GM]BalouDerBear
  • [Sup]Trop3x
  • [Sup]Shiro
Server Bot System:
  • EventManager
  • SystemBot
Useful scrolls & more:
Skill Reset Scroll:
Resets all of your mysteries and skills back to and, you'll be given the skill point back! Upon use, you'll be teleported back to town!.

Stats Reset Scroll:
Resets your Int/Str points to 0 and gives you the points back to add them to either Str or Int. Upon use, you'll be teleported back to town!

Name Change Scroll:
Gives you the ability to change your character name to a different one just by clicking this scroll! Upon use, you'll be disconnected and upon connecting you'll have to choose a new nickname to log in!

Silk Scroll:
Silk Scroll 500 to exchange in game for silks 500 silk!
Silk Scroll 1000 to exchange in game for silks 1000 silk!

Reborn Scroll :
Reborn Scroll you will get if you use 1 x int str 40 & hp Mp 400 by lvl 1

Valtyr Lucky Scroll:
Activate the scroll and you will gain Lucky Buff for 1H and 30 Min!.
1% Lucky increase
1% Alchemy Probability increase

Valtyr Happy Box :
Valtyr Happy Box you will get 1 from 50 Items
HP or MP 4100 Increase
Magic Pop Card
ADV B Shield / Weapon / Acces / Pro
New Pets
New Dress
Silk Scroll
SOM Weapon
Sabakun jewel
and more

Winter Happy Box :
you will get as reward in Auto Event ( EventManager )
or in Job if you sell Goods (logoff & login again ) you will get it in your inventory
this scroll work only by 1 Unit ( is this stacked you will get no reward )
MP & HP 1900
Magic Pop
ADV B Shield / Weapon / Acces / Pro
New Dress
Beserker Potion
HP& MP 100% scroll
HP increase 1000
MP increase 1000
Reverse Scroll
Def 20% Scroll
Dmg 20% Scroll
Lucky Powder lvl 1
Sabakun Jewel
Monster Scroll
Premium Silver

Job Reward Scroll :
Honor Rank 1 Graduates 5 Honor Points
Character Lookup added Honor Point
Honor Rank refresh every 6H
Job reward happy Winter Box after
selling goods relog and the item is in inventar

(lock system)
send $SystemBot in chat the Message
Lock (dont wait answer)
You will Receive a msg (in msg box) with a pw
(save it on in a text file or what ever you have and delete the msg)
to lock or unlock your items
$SystemBot pw/123456 (123456 is the pw)( the pw from the msg box)

Upgrade Scroll:
Weapon Seal of Sun Asgard
Set Seal of Sun Midgard
Acces Seal of Sun Utgard
full Set Magic Bonus
full Acces Magic Bonus
New NPC Valtyr
Quest Repeat 2x Reward 1x Weapon Scroll
Quest Repeat 6x Reward 1x Set Scroll
Quest Repeat 4x Reward 1x Acces Scroll
by All New Quest Hunt Unique

Defeating the uniques Is the most fun and exciting thing in silkroad. We didn't do a bad system for uniques so, all old-school uniques are available such as Tiger girl, Uruchi, Isyutaru Lord etc.. Also, we've added old unique called Taishan and Roc as world boss. All drop some special Items

Taishan is level 50. it appears in different 7 spawn points.
World Boss Roc & Rage Cloud:
Roc & Rage Cloud modified to fit level 80. It appears in different 25 spawn points all over the map. It have a big chance in dropping by Roc Seal of Sun items & Rage Cloud Seal of Moon items and some special items.
Job system:
We didn't do or edit anything in our job system so, it's exactly like the oldschool job system. just we have a one feature.
Job suit:
All job suits are available in Associate NPC with 1 STR/INT.
It's not just a system like others. Our SystemBot is here only for the help and for informing you what you need to know. It will answer you only when you PM SystemBot and typing "hello" then follow commands:
Once you send to him this command it will talk to you and if you need to know about anything, you have to send a pm to SystemBot but you have to write this sign before the word "/"
Automatic events:
  • Travia
  • Lucky Magic Party
  • Search & Destroy
  • Hide & Seek
  • KillTheGM
  • Alchemy
  • LastManStanding
  • Survival PVP
  • Lottery
  • Retype
  • Unscramble
Winter Story Event:
  • 1. In a server, hunt down any monsters. Randomly Snow Slaves would appear.
  • 2. A character meeting the certain counts by just hunting Snow Slaves would receive
  • 3 hours Exp/Skill points increases.
    3. When, number 4 is done, the certain character would receive the rewards as well as White Knight monsters
    would be summoned randomly all over the server.
  • 4. When White Knight monsters are summoned for the fifth time, Winter Princess Miyene monsters
    would be summoned randomly all over the server.
    Mission 1
    The hero stopping the right Snow Slaves out of all the others, randomly set for each server,
    the character would receive 3 hours Exp/Skill points increases.
    Mission 2
    For higher Experience points, kill White Knight and Winter Princess Miyene monsters.
This system in our website will simply show you guys the top ranking players to make it more competitive and to help you to know who in the top ranking.
  • Top Login Logout Player
  • Top Players
  • Top Guilds
  • Top Jobbers
  • Top Plus
  • Top Uniques Spanwed Time Killed or Alive
  • Top Global Normal WTS WTT
  • Top Job Pvp Kills
  • Top Unique Kills
  • Top Unique Kills
Character Lookup:
  • Char Info
  • Level
  • HP / MP / INT / STR
  • Guild
  • Job
  • Title
  • Kills / Died
  • Unique Kills
  • Honor Point
  • SOX Parts
  • Item point
  • Last Login / Logout
Character Log
  • Char Signature
  • Last unique Kill
  • Global
  • last Killed Player
 Inventory items Weapon / Set / Acces / Avatary
Storage Inventory
In Game Team Ranking:
Login Logout

Event Ranking:
White Knight Winter Event Snow Slave kill
Auto Event Time

This system will make you able to find and look for any character/guild by an easily way.

Character Lookup
With this system, you are able to see the inventory/storage for any character.

You can get Activity Points everyday by free way. all you have to do is voting for AP in our website every 24 hour.

Website shop:
It's a shop in our website that contains some special items such as avatars, scrolls, devils etc. Your character must be online in game. After buying any item, you have to teleport and you will find the item in your inventory.

Website Stall:
It's a Stall on our website for Silk items that you dont want a middle man for special items. Your character must be Offline in game to add or Buy items. After buying any item, you will find the item in your inventory after logged on.
Share Events:
We won't run the share events now because we have a target got that.

Signature Events:
We give you a chance to win silks. All you have to do is using our forum signature by copying the code and putting it in you signature.

Server Inspection 25-06-2017:
Add Purification Pills to Hotan Potion NPC
Add Some new text & new name for Roc
Add New Dress Follow later on Website
Change TG & Uru & Isy only in DB to lvl 80
to get some drop
Change Devil spirit S to make Exchange & droppable
Change Hp from Silk Pets

Server Inspection 23-07-2017:
Add Penalty remover
Add 500 Silk Scroll
Add 1000 Silk Scroll
Change Roc Hp
Change Roc Skills
Change Stone Stack to 1000
Change some img
Add 7 New Dress
Change some uniques spawn
Reset Guild SP to 200k
Reset player SP to 500k

Server Inspection 23-08-2017:
Little server Inspection
Add Pikachu Pick pet
Add to all unique & Titan Mall items
Change Magic Pop Card Price to 10 Silk

Server Inspection 28-08-2017:
Some Text fixes
Change Stack from Tabs from 100 to 1000
Change Element Stack from 5000 to 40000
Add sun shield to FGW quest
Change titan lvl only in DB for drop reward
Add Winter Event for exp rates
Add Happy Event With Nice Reward
Lucky Powder 1
Mall Return Scroll
2 Dress
Immortal tablet
Phy & Mag 20% scroll for 2 min
Berserker Potion
Magic Pop Card
Phy & Mag 10% scroll
100 % Hp Mp Scroll
1000 Hp Scroll
1000 Mp Scroll
Sabakun Jewel
Reverse Scroll
Monster summon scroll

Server Inspection 07-10-2017:
New Pet Charmander
New Scroll Valtyr Lucky Scroll
you will get
1% Lucky increase.
1% Alchemy Probability increase.
Second World Boss Rage Cloud
Drop Moon Item ( 6% )
Drop Item Mall Items and much more
Add Rage Cloud Spawn Point like Roc
Respawn Time 3-6h

Server Inspection 22-10-2017:
Join a Job and Create a Academy
Job Level 5
Job honor Rank 1 = kill 1 Graduates 5 Honor Points
Character Lookup added Honor Point
Honor Rank refresh every 1H
Add Job reward happy Winter Box after
selling goods relog and the item is in inventory

Top Gold Player Server Notice
Top Hunter Server Notice
Top Thief Server Notice
Top Trader Server Notice

(lock system)
send $SystemBot in chat the Message
Lock (dont wait answer)
You will Receive a msg (in msg box) with a pw
(save it on in a text file or what ever you have and delete the msg)
to lock or unlock your items
$SystemBot pw/123456 (123456 is the pw)( the pw from the msg box)

Server Inspection 29-10-2017:
Add Activity Point
Activity Point you will get perH
Activity Point you will get by Job a Scroll
Activity Point you will get by Vote4Silk
Added Reborn Scroll you will get if you use 1 x int str 35 & hp Mp 400 by lvl 1
Added title Name Scroll
Added more Job Reward
Change Honor Ranking back to old
if you selling goods you will get Job Reward Scroll
us it and you will get 1 Graduates & 5 Honor Point
some images changed
Write to $SystemBot Hello
Edited SystemBot with new Free Function
if you want to Remove Premium write to me /RemoveMyPremium
if you want to Remove Pk write to me /RemoveMyPK
if you want to Remove Forgotten World write to me /RemoveMyFGW
You dont have SP No Problem i can add write to me /iWantSP
if you want to Reborn for Free write to me /FreeReborn you will be back to level 1 int&str 30 and hp&mp 300
if you want Free Title wite me /NeedTitle
Added new Login intro
Complet New Set Added
Weapon Seal of Sun Asgard
Set Seal of Sun Midgard
Acces Seal of Sun Utgard
full Set Magic Bonus
full AccesMagic Bonus
Added New NPC Valtyr
Added Quest Repeat 2x Reward 1x Weapon Scroll
Added Quest Repeat 6x Reward 1x Set Scroll
Added Quest Repeat 4x Reward 1x Acces Scroll
Added 7 Title Name Slayer Quest
Added 7 New Title
by All New Quest Hunt Unique
Fix new Quest text

Server Inspection 03-12-2017:
Added Kill & Died Character Lookup
Added Unique Kills Character lookup
Added Forum on Webpage with Character Select
Added Forum Chat Character Select
Added New Web stall (pay via Silk)

Server Event Increase Rates to 3x more
Refresh Logs

Server Inspection 28-01-2018:
Edit Some text
Added Old CHLogin Place

Added 45 New Title Free from SystemBot
[Server Xian] Player
[Server Aege] Player
[Server Troy] Player
[Server Babel] Player
[Server Athens] Player
[Server Oasis] Player
[Server Venice] Player
[Server Greece] Player
[Server Alps] Player
[Server Tibet] Player
[Server Red Sea] Player
[Server Rome] Player
[Server Sparta] Player
[Server Eldorado] Player
[Server Olympus] Player
[Server Pacific] Player
[Server Alexander] Player
[Server Persia] Player
[Server Zeus] Player
[Server Poseidon] Player
[Server Hercules] Player
[Server Odin] Player
[Server Mercury] Player
[Server Mars] Player
[Server Saturn] Player
[Server Venus] Player
[Server Uranus] Player
[Server Pluto] Player
[Server Neptune] Player
[Server Hera] Player
[Server Gaia] Player
[Server Eos] Player
[Server Phoenix] Player
[Server Ares] Player
[Server Iris] Player
[Server Titan] Player
[Server Apollo] Player
[Server Helios] Player
[Server Petra] Player
[Server Tigris] Player
[Server Aral] Player
[Server Azteca] Player
[Server Mena] Player
[Server Argos] Player
[Server Malazgirt] Player

Server Inspection 04-02-2018:
Add Wanted System for Job with buff
1 buff by 10 kill in 1 round without died
2 buff by 20 kill in 1 round without died
3 buff by 30 kill in 1 round without died
4 buff by 40 kill in 1 round without died
5 buff by 50 kill in 1 round without died
Add to SystemBot 3 Job System
Write to SystemBot /ChangeJob
Clean Log
Reset honor Ranking
Reset Unique Ranking
Reset Guild Member GP -
Reset PvP Log


Homepage: Link
Download: - Link
Register - Link
Facebook Page: Link
Facebook Group : Link

Forum: Link
YouTube: Link

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