ft Purity Online | Cap 110 | D11 | Free Silk/Hour | Reborn System | Auto Events | New Features | Free2Play | Max Plus | Forgotten World | Auto Events | Coin System | Purity Token | Honor Rank | Special Shop | Upgrade System | Char Effect Scroll | Balanced System | Custom Teleports | New Areas | New Follow Pets | Auto Pm System | Switch Weapon | Unique Rank | Auto Equipment System ~ Private Sro

Silkroad Private Servers

Purity Online | Cap 110 | D11 | Free Silk/Hour | Reborn System | Auto Events | New Features | Free2Play | Max Plus | Forgotten World | Auto Events | Coin System | Purity Token | Honor Rank | Special Shop | Upgrade System | Char Effect Scroll | Balanced System | Custom Teleports | New Areas | New Follow Pets | Auto Pm System | Switch Weapon | Unique Rank | Auto Equipment System

Why Purity Online
After the long wait trying a series of pay to win games, we have found that the best solution is to make a game similar to the original isro with more fun of course!
so we are in that our game is iSro system with better experience, with high capacity , high bandwidth (Free Lag) ,and we always will support you.

-Guild emblem working

How can i get Nova and EGY [A] ?
You Get It At NPC in Jangan Nova With Gold & Egy A For Purity Token

How can i get Purity Token ?
you can get it from mobs 109-110 or uniques Easy Drop

How can i get EGY B ?
-You Can Get Random Weapon Scroll From Death Bone & Medusa
-You can Get Weapon From Forgotten World
-Get Full Talisman Collection From FGW And Complete The Sea Of Resentment Quest
-You Can Get Item and acc From NPC With Silk

How To Get Honor Rank •

Each 1 Stars Trade Gives You 1 Silk and 1 Graduates In Academy + 10 Honor Point
Each 2 Stars Trade Gives You 2 Silk and 1 Graduates In Academy + 20 Honor Point
Each 3 Stars Trade Gives You 3 Silk and 1 Graduates In Academy + 30 Honor Point
Each 4 Stars Trade Gives You 4 Silk and 1 Graduates In Academy + 40 Honor Point
Each 5 Stars Trade Gives You 10 Silk and 1 Graduates In Academy + 50 Honor Point

Thieves and Hunter and Trade All of them Take Reward Silk and Point

Notice •
Remember To PM [GA]System With Trade after delivery Trade To Take Reward Like This Photo

How You can get ADV +3 & +4 ?
-You Can get ADV +3 From Normal unique

-You Can get ADV +4 From NPC With Silk

-Auto Events working every 1 Hours which you can collect silk from it too
Hide-Search Event [Reward this event 6 Silk to winner]
Trivia Event [Reward this event 6 Silk to winner]
Retype Event [Reward this event 6 Silk to winner]
Lucky Matching Party Number Event [Reward this event 10 Silk to winner]
Kill The GM Last Hit Event [Reward this event 6 Silk to winner]
Alchemy Event [Reward this event 10 Silk to winner]
Search-Kill Event [Reward this event 6 Silk to winner]
LAST MAN STANDING Event [Reward this event 15 Silk to winner]
PVP Event [Reward this event 15 Silk to winner]
* Also you can get silks per hour ( 1 silk per 1 hours ) the silks will be added automatically *

How can i get EGY C Weapon Or Shield ?
- You Can Get it From Upgrade Egy B Only
Notice: Scroll Only Working At EGY B Plus 14 [ Upgrade ] To Egy C Plus 10
Upgrade System

Char Effect Scroll's

Max stack

Reward Normal Uniques


Follow Pets Attack

Grap Pet's

unique Place

"New System Auto PM"
-Video To Know How To Use Auto PM System

♦ REBORN [GA]system
New way for player who feels "Bored" this way get you up and give you some power more than normal one, How ? while you get max lvl 110 you can talk with [GA]system and choose "Reborn" to get back lvl 1, after what you send a msg with reborn you gonna back to lvl 1 and [GA]system give you [8 point stats] you can add it's for your class which you play such as STR or INT, this points give you more power and defense with attack rate too!, You can do this mission [10 time max] after you finish reborn
at latest you can pick while 10 time reborn [80 point] up to you.

♦ SPY [GA]system

This [GA]system works only while fortress war running, sometimes you got spy char in your guild and you 'd like to ban it from guild but not allowed while fortress running, well this [GA]system let you able to ban this spy, just talk with [GA]system and choose spy order, [GA]system auto send msg for this char and make sure that his spy or not, then our [GA]system auto banned this guy from guild to protect your self for others.


Super perfect option to let you change build for another, this is the only way to switch your weapon to another whatever could be EU or CH both works not only same race! yea!!, put your weapon one the first left slot and talk to [GA]system and choose "/Switch Weapons" and type the new weapon name such as "/Dagger", after sending you will get auto teleport then find your new weapon in same slot same (plus, Blues and stats). this order costs "200 Silk" and working At weapons and items and accessory.

♦ PVP [GA]system

It's new [GA]system give you right to send for another player "PVP Challenge" for reward you can type your offer whatever could be but it's available only for [Silks/Gold/Item] it's up to you, while another side accept your challenge my [GA]system auto teleport you both for somewhere out of safe zone then open you cap and action, [GA]system auto cool down 15 minutes as max for pvp and the winner will get the reward which you choosed and he accepted, In case of not winning you both will get teleport to same area which you were in and no body gets reward.


This option for the players who wants to reset them [Time FGW, Books FGW, PK, Angel bless, Holy water temple,Status,Skills,Durability,Change Race,New Blue Devil], Some System You Can Buy With Silk and Buy Purity Token [Remember] put your "Purity Token" in the first left slot and choose your option then [GA]system auto teleport you and sending private msg "Successful".

? [GA]Helper [GA]system

The guide man for new players which got a questions or wanna send report & suggestion, Pm "$[GA]Helper: Hi" and you 'll get auto replay from [GA]Helper about the most questions you may got one of it's, last step you can send the question which you got and you 'll get auto replay for the right answer which we put it to help you, we are still add some questions to explain everything about server, this guide works 24/7 and useful than player answers.

Unique Rank
-We Have In Server New Unique Rank System
-System Select Top 3 Player In Server and Give him Reward in Week
- Top 1 in Unique Take Special Title Name + 700 SIlk
- Top 2 in Unique Take 500 SIlk
- Top 3 in Unique Take 300 SIlk
Notice : The Reward will be added automatically and Will Be Reset Every Week automatically

Auto Equipment System
-New PM System Auto Equipment
-When You Start Lvl 1 You Will Go Kill Mobs To Lvl Up When You Lv Up The System Will PM You To Get Your Next Degree


Finally, Don't Miss US ?
Regards Team Purity

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