Pvp Servers
You can find here best pvp server that have start items and free silk.
Pve Server
You can find your best pve server that have free silk and start items that help you to be best player .
Job Servers
You can find here the best servers that based in job like thief,hunters and trader (Real enjoy).
You can find here the guides and builds to make your character the best in the server and another Guides.
Bots and Tools
You can find here best bot and tools that will help you in game.
Damocles | Cap 110 | Automatic Events | Balanced System | New Features | Low Rates | Ip Limit | Union Limit | Max Plus | Auto Plus Notice | Free Silk/Hour | Auto Equipment | Custom Unique System | Automatic Alchemy Event | Daily Events | Weapon Model Switcher | Auto Bot System | Wanted System | Daily Quests | Lucky Skills
First of all
[ Damocles Online ] It's Artemis Reopen , I've purchased DB Artemis from the owner .. all pic's from old topic - just add missed pics
[ Damocles Online ] It's Artemis Reopen , I've purchased DB Artemis from the owner .. all pic's from old topic - just add missed pics
Mega Silkroad | Cap 100 | D10 | Old School | Zero Edits | Play2Win | Ip Limit | Max Plus | Ctf | Low Rates | Start Items | New Glows | Alchemy System | Custom Trade System | Auto Notice System | Anti-Cheat System | Daily Events
*Mega-Silkroad : The wait is over! The long awaited return of your favorite old school Private SRO Server is back! (for example: Elite Sro ).
Silkroad-Network | Fembria | Cap 110 | Job System | Low Rates | Ip Limit | Ftw | Battle Arena | Academy | Free Silk/Hour | Max Plus | Protected | Start Items | Balanced System | Old Job System | Unique System | New Pets | Ctf | Quest System | Anti Cheat System
Hello and
welcome to our advertisement thread. Are you fed up about all server
which are closing their server after weeks? Do you have enough from all
server which are over-edited?
Vulture Online | Cap 100 | Balanced System | Upgrade System | High Rates | Auto Equipment | Lottery System | Coin System | Max Plus | High Job Rate | Free Silk/Hour | Wanted System | New Glows | Facebook System | Job Coin System | Custom Edits
We are republishing the game after we fixed all problems and bugs and everything, try it before you judge us
We are republishing the game after we fixed all problems and bugs and everything, try it before you judge us
Experior Online | Cap 140 | Job Based | Special Edits | Long Term | Arabian Patch | Ftw | Automatic Events | Awaken System | Referal System | Account Protection | Achievement System | New Uniques | Job Based | Unique Ranking | CTF | Free Silk/Hour | Lucky Room
Experior online is a one of a kind server, with a lot of custom edits which will bring both joy and entertainment to the community.
Experior online is a one of a kind server, with a lot of custom edits which will bring both joy and entertainment to the community.
Kurokami | Cap 80 | D8 | Balanced System | Low Rates | Job Based | Vote4Silk | Free Silk/Hour | Max Plus | Ip Limit | Ban Hammer | Forgotten World | Ftw | Ctf | Coin System | Pandora Box | Honor Rank | Custom Edits
Hello , gonna present you Kurokami SRO
• Our goal here is to bring back the good old days of 80 cap with some minor adjustments.
Hello , gonna present you Kurokami SRO
• Our goal here is to bring back the good old days of 80 cap with some minor adjustments.
Roto Sro Online | Cap 120 | D13 | Rebirth System | Forge System | High Rates | Ftw | Ctf | Coin System | Automatic Vote | Silk Exchange | New Avatars | New Pets | Custom Glows | Custom Npc
Hello ,
I'd like to announce our server - Roto Silkroad (Cap 120)
we are here to offer our community fresh and nice game play with alot of fun and amazing features.
I'd like to announce our server - Roto Silkroad (Cap 120)
we are here to offer our community fresh and nice game play with alot of fun and amazing features.
Lottery-Sro II | D11 | Free Silk | Low Rates | Real System | Ftw | Ctf | Start Items | Beginner Quests | Inventory Quests | New Job System | Auto Rewards | New Uniques System | New Lottery System | New Event System | Pandora Box | Special Npc | Lottery Npc
I saw many people liked Lottery Sro 1, but some of them has left because of the following reasons :
I saw many people liked Lottery Sro 1, but some of them has left because of the following reasons :
Infernus Online | Cap 80 | Ip Limit | Oldschool | D8 | Low Rates | Fortress War | Ctf | Start Items | Jewel Box Event | Free Silk/Hour | Daily Events | Fgw | New Pets | Coin System | Upgarde System | New Glows | Custom Scrolls | Auto Title System
As a big company , we are here to introduce to silkroad community the best cap 80 server
Infernus Online
Infernus Online
ZSZC-Zone | Cap 105 | Chinese Only | Low Rates | Ip Limit | Balanced System | Free Silk | OldSchool Server | Custom Edits | Old Glows | Protected Server | Old Job System | Old Design | Anti Ddos System | Old Title System
Let me read your mind, you think it's going to
be another boring announcement of a dead server. Meanwhile you wander
from server to server, not being able to find your place.
Pinnacle | Cap 100 | D10 | Balanced System | Low Rates | Ftw | New Dungeons | Custom Npc | New Mobs | Snake Room | New Glows | Coin System | FGW | Original Titles | New Knowledge Skills | SRO-R Skills | Sarin Tribe | New Quests | Custom Edits
Short introduction:
We are a small team which consists of 2 developers and an investor, our main purpose is to achieve the true gaming experience. Through our extensive experience in SRO.
We are a small team which consists of 2 developers and an investor, our main purpose is to achieve the true gaming experience. Through our extensive experience in SRO.
Overlimit | Cap 130 | D13 | Job Based | Advanced Systems | New Random Areas | OverLimit-Sro Reloaded | Special Grab Pets | Custom Npcs | Automatic Titles System | Free Silk/Hour | New Systems | Awesome Features | Professional Team | Achievement System | Lottery Scrolls | Auto Equipement | Crystal System | Coin System | Academy Buffs | Surprise System
Put your hands up so hard! The time has come for the most enjoyable server OverLimit ever created. If you really want to play an unstoppable game, you won't find it anywhere. But, you'll do right here!
Asterius Online | D11 | Zero Edits | Job Based | Long Term | Ip Limit | Battle Arena | Free Silk | Mid Rates | Anti Bot System | Max Plus | Coin System | Ctf | Play2Win | Anti Cheat Protection | 5 Pages Pet | Holy Water Temple | Custom Edits | Balanced System
Hello,Welcome to our advertising thread on Prvsro.
I think most of people were searching for a server with zero edits which brings u back to old silkroad memories,So do we.
Hello,Welcome to our advertising thread on Prvsro.
I think most of people were searching for a server with zero edits which brings u back to old silkroad memories,So do we.
Avior Silkroad | Neptune | Cap 110 | D11 | Mid Rates | Protected Server | FTW | Ctf | Max Plus | Job Max Level | New Pets | Ip Limit | Lucky Scroll | FGW | Coin System | Special Glows | Arabia Update | Custom Edits
Neptune is an upcoming Silkroad private server brought to you by our team at Avior gaming.
Sumerian Online | D13 | Cap 130 | Auto Events | Free Silk | Play2Win | Mid Rates | Balanced System | Job System | Battle Arena | Ctf | Start Items | Max Plus | Lottery Scrolls | Academy System | Coin System | Auto Equipment | Daily Events
Hello, We'd like to proudly present the brand new Sumerian Online.
A new Silkroad Online experience where you can find the Classic , the Recent, and the innovative gaming.
A new Silkroad Online experience where you can find the Classic , the Recent, and the innovative gaming.
Amphibius | D10 | Chinese Only | Pvp Cap 100 | Long Term Server | Blanaced System | Free Silk | Auto Events | Daily Backups | Coin System | Job Cave | Honor Buffs | Stones Npc | Special Shop | Custom Edits
Welcome ! After long tiring work we want to present you the new server, which will be called Amphibius Online.
Nordex | Cap 80 | Chinese Only | Automatic Events | Ip Limit | Low Rates | Ctf | Battle Arena | Lottery Event | Auto Equipment | Disabled Functions | New Scrolls | Long Term Server | Job War Event | Alchemy Event | Wanted System | Free Silk/Unique | Lucky Buffs
•First of all, Welcome to our topic and thanks for giving us a chance to introduce our server
Are you searching for a silkroad private server brings you to the old days ?
Are you searching for a silkroad private server brings you to the old days ?
Maximized Phantasy | Cap 110 | D11 | Ctf | Ip Limit | Battle Arena | Mid Rates | Disabled Scrolls | Start Items | Job Based | Trade Routes | Hunters Npc | Auto Equipment | Auto Events | Item Replacer | Lottery System | Coin System | Custom Edits
As passionate and old school silkroad
ourselves, we started getting tired of the amount of bullshit that
Joymax harnessed. They destroyed what had once ought to be one of the
best games out there.
Fiadora Eryx | Cap 80 | Coin System | Job Based | D8 | Free Silk/Hour | Ip Limit | Auto Equip | Daily Events | Start Items | Coin System | New Uniques | Job Temple Uniques | Blood Weapons | Forgotten World | Special Goods Npc | New Quests | Red Queen Room
Server opening time Friday 20:00 UTC +01:00
Why Fiadora:
He is one of our players who tragically passed away, we decided to rename our server from Aetna to Fiadora to keep him in our minds and lives,
Why Fiadora:
He is one of our players who tragically passed away, we decided to rename our server from Aetna to Fiadora to keep him in our minds and lives,
United-X | D11 Pvp Server | Play2Win | Custom Edits | Daily Events | Coin System | Union Disabled | Max Plus | Lucky Stone | Lucky Box | Stones Npc | Special Npc | Job War System | Survival Room | Custom Scrolls
Hey guys, today i would like to introduce you, "United-X"
it's Sro private server based on vsro files pvp game-play. we mixed
much things on i hope you like it.
United-X Crew
United-X Crew
Snake Online | Cap 80 | Chinese Only | Old Job System | Low Rates | Blanaced Skills | Free Silk/Hour | Coin System | Max Plus | Custom Scrolls | Auto Plus Notice | Bugs Solution | Custom Edits | Special Npc
Hello All ,
Today I Will Introduce to you a Simple Game With Easy System That i hope all to Like It
First We Need to Give Some Guides points As To Start
Today I Will Introduce to you a Simple Game With Easy System That i hope all to Like It
First We Need to Give Some Guides points As To Start
Legend World Online | Cap 140 | Mops 140 l Baghdad l D15 | Free Silk | Start Items | New Avatars | New D15 Stones | New Weapon Effect | New Glows | Green Zerk | Legend Hit | Bone Roc Room | New Unique Zones | Const Ftw | Coin System | Lucky Area | Awaken System | Died Super Scroll
Server Information
PvE Server
Lvl Cap : 140
Skill Cap : 140
Gear Cap : 130
Start Area : Legend Town
Free 1m Silk
PvE Server
Lvl Cap : 140
Skill Cap : 140
Gear Cap : 130
Start Area : Legend Town
Free 1m Silk
R2SRO | Cap 100 | Med Rates | Old School Server | Ip Limit | Ban Hammer | Start Items | Fortress War | Jewel Box Event | CTF | Token System | New Zerk Quests | Custom Edits | Daily Events
R2SRO | Introduction
Xcution PlayDeff presents SRO - Private Sever (Cap 100) . If you like the server bring your friends and start conquer the Xcution PlayDeff World. Can you become Emperor or Empress? Show other players your skills and start becoming a Legend!
• English support is maintained by forum : Rebekka - Index
• If you have any questions or problems visit contact page for further information
Xcution PlayDeff presents SRO - Private Sever (Cap 100) . If you like the server bring your friends and start conquer the Xcution PlayDeff World. Can you become Emperor or Empress? Show other players your skills and start becoming a Legend!
• English support is maintained by forum : Rebekka - Index
• If you have any questions or problems visit contact page for further information
Odine Gaming Network l 2 Servers l Cap 110 & Cap 120 l Coin System | Bot Allowed | Free Silk/Hour | Automatic Title System | Max Plus | Lottery System | Alchemy Event | Special Scrolls | 4 Page Pet | New Quests | Npc Items | New Glows | Max Stack | Low Rates | Free Kill/Silk | Coin System | Automatic Title System | Global Delay | Happy Event | Awaken System | Special Shop | Job Temple Uniques | New Quests | New Glows
Artemis Online | Cap 110 | Automatic Events | Balanced Server | New Features | Ip Limit | Free Silk/Hour | Max Plus | Auto Equipment | Begin Quest | Achievement System | Automatic Events | Daily Events | Custom Scrolls | Auto Bot Guide | Wanted System | Daily Quests | Luck Skill | Global Plus | Custom Edits
First of all, thanks for giving this Thread a chance by clicking on it.
Welcome to Artemis, where nothing is impossible!
Welcome to Artemis, where nothing is impossible!
GraveRoad Online | Cap 110 | Plus Disabled | Egy B Start Items | Free Silk | Special Job System | Anti Cheat System | Ctf | Coin System | Daily Events | Lovely Items | New Premium | New Pets | Custom Scrolls | Special Shop | Titles Scrolls | Custom Edits
Hello !
we would like to advertise our new pServer to you
It is the real PvP And fun world of PvP servers . It is Grave Road
we would like to advertise our new pServer to you
It is the real PvP And fun world of PvP servers . It is Grave Road
Guerra Online | Cap 110 | D11 | Low Rates | Automatic System | Auto Equipment | Free Silk/Hour | Daily Events | Ip Limit | Forgotten World | Custom Edits | Special Npc | Coin System | Holy Water Temple | Job Based | Vote4Silk | Custom Edits
We are Guerra, a new community on the rise. Our core team is made up of people from all over the world and we speak in more than 3 languages.
We are Guerra, a new community on the rise. Our core team is made up of people from all over the world and we speak in more than 3 languages.
Nasus Online | D11 | Auto Events | Mid Rates | Ip Limit | Free Silk/Hour | Wanted System | Hero Mode | Auto Alchemy Notice | Job Honor | Special Shop | Legendary System | Auto Equipment | Murder Punishment | New Job System
Hello , we would like to present you our server (Nasus)
that will give you amazing gameplay with awesome job system and fair
playing with out pay to play our server
Infinity Sro | Cap 110 | D11 | Mid Rates | Free Silk/Hour | Coin System | New Forgotten World System | Daily Events | Old School Server | Special Edits | Professional Server | Custom Npc
Join Infinity Sro
Best 110 Old School Game
Lets Back To our Real Silkroad World where we was Really Have
Best 110 Old School Game
Lets Back To our Real Silkroad World where we was Really Have
Hercules Online | Cap 110 | Low Rates | D11 | Auto Equipment | Free Silk/Hour | Ip Limit | CTF | FGW | Battle Arena | Unique Title System | Auto Punishment PK | Auto Plus Notice | Wanted System | Special Shop | System Scrolls | Coin System | Protected
Grand opening march 01st,2015
Hello !
we would like to advertise our new project to you
It is the real pve world of Old School servers . It is Hercules Online
we would like to advertise our new project to you
It is the real pve world of Old School servers . It is Hercules Online
Athos | Pvp Cap 100 | Auto Events | Upgrade System | D10 Pvp Server | Free Silk/Hour | Ddos Protected | Ctf | Fgw | Max Plus | Battle Arena | Job War Area | Custom Npc | Auto Events System | New Scrolls | High Job Rate | Stones Npc
In the process of developing
"Athos" we wanted to add that "touch" that would bring players into the
past, and have that intense feeling that we all
Silkroad Sky | Cap 110 | D11 | Mid Rates | Rebirth System | Free Silk/Hour | Special Edits | Professional Server | Daily Events | Coin System | New Avatars | Custom Npc | Battle Arena | Holy Water Temple | Top Rankings | Old School Server
Hello ,
I'd like to announce our server - Silkroad Sky Online (Cap 110)we are here to offer our community fresh and nice game play with a lot of fun and amazing features.
I'd like to announce our server - Silkroad Sky Online (Cap 110)we are here to offer our community fresh and nice game play with a lot of fun and amazing features.
Maximized Phantasy | Cap 100 | Chinese Only | New Lottery System | Low Rates | Vote4Silk | Ctf | Fgw | Free Silk/Hour | Start Items | New Quests | Balanced Changes | Honor Buff System | Ip Limit | Custom Scrolls | New Glows | Custom Edits
WOOT! 4 days in and we have over 170 online users daily! What are you waiting for?!
Welcome aboard!
As passionate and old school silkroaders ourselves, we started getting tired of the amount of bullshit that Joymax harnessed.
WOOT! 4 days in and we have over 170 online users daily! What are you waiting for?!
Welcome aboard!
As passionate and old school silkroaders ourselves, we started getting tired of the amount of bullshit that Joymax harnessed.
Elyos Online | Pvp D10 | Auto Events | Unique Job System | Cap 100 | Honor Buff | Ctf | Magic Pop | New Uniques | Title Scroll | Job Based System | Coin System | Daily Events | Custom Npc | Stones Npc | Special Items
Hello , We invite you to join our project Elyos Online
Elyos Online is a summary of our experience due to our team efforts at this field .
Elyos Online is a summary of our experience due to our team efforts at this field .